Drinking pee!?

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My kids have 4 feety's
Feb 1, 2009
So today I noticed Tilly peed, and then turned around and licked it up!! (ew) and is this normal? I only noticed it this one time thought. YUCK
Yeah, I don't know if its normal either, I witnessed one of my boys do this one time during playtime only when they were in the bathroom. They have shavings in their cage and never saw them doing that in there. Ditto on the yuck!
Yeah, for some reason drinking the pee grosses me out way more than eating poo....perhaps I am desensitized and also because I know they do it for the nutrients...the pee is just odd with clean water at their beck and call
My boys do this too. If one of them happens to pee on the carpet while they're out for playtime and I don't get to it fast enough they'll both sit there and sniff at it then lick at it. I haven't seen them do this in their cage but they definitely do it outside of the cage.
My one male will lick up any pee he finds on the floor from my female when she comes out. If I don't pick it all up [and not that I don't try to, but sometimes I miss some of it when she goes] and my male comes out after her, I'll see him licking it up, and I agree with everyone on the YUK!!! I can deal with them eating their pooh, but for some reason, licking up the pee really gets to me.

Mine have done it too--mostly with each other's urine. They definately are obsessed with it and it drives me nuts! And, i've learned telling them "no" does not stop them. And, it's gross-and i "second Abby W's ICK!:"hehe
I've seen them do the same thing. Seachin could be right about them wanting to recycle some minerals possibly. More often than a chin sniffing or drinking his own pee I've seen them do it with other chins' urine. Most of the time it's with a male doing that where a female urinated! I always thought that it was because he was reacting to the hormones present in the urine.