Complaining over everything..

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Dot lives forever!
Jan 29, 2009
Situation arose recently. Here in PA we were able to get a mill to bring in Tradition chinchilla pellets from the ohio plant. Other sources charge over $15 a bag, and is at least a 5+ hour drive for most of us (7 for me), while this place was charging $12.50 or less per bag of feed.

Recently, the few same people kept complaining about the date of the feed. We all know feed is good for at least 6 months. When I was getting my feed, the bag was just about a month old, sometimes less. These people would complain about the feed well after the time they bought the feed.

Thanks to the complaints, the mill will no longer be bringing it back to PA for us as it's too much of a "hassle".

Why must people complain? IF they didn't like the product--go out to ohio and get it yourself. Thanks for ruining it for the rest of us--who bought feed in a TIMELY matter, and USED the feed BEFORE it got to 6 months.

Point of the debate... Is it really necessary to complain over the smallest things, ruining it for EVERYONE?

Whoo hoo! I'm so looking forward to a 7 hour drive for feed now.
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Meg, that really sucks! Now you have me wondering about my orders. I have the truck stopping at a distributor about 20 minutes from me and dropping feed off from the Ohio plant. Then heading to the Lancaster plant. I'm gonna have to make some calls. Thanks for the heads up, and really sorry about the mess. If worse comes to worse, maybe we can make some arraingements and meet in Danville . Its only like 2 hours from me, and alot better than 7 for you.
It does suck. Makes me wonder if they'll still bring your orders... If they aren't taking it to Lancaster anymore. Thanks for the offer... Danville is A LOT closer then ohio. I have one place that is going to try to get the feed in for me. We already get our horse and livestock feed from them, so they are working on it. I have a feeling they won't be able to swing it though. If I do get them to get it-- I doubt i'll be letting anyone know where I get my feed from to avoid this again.

Like I said the last batch I got the feed was 3 weeks old. To me that is still VERY fresh. And gives me at the very least another 4 months to use the feed.. I was buying for 3 month supply anyway.
People were complaining even though the feed was under a month old when they could purchase it? That makes no sense! It's very fresh at 3 weeks old. I suppose them could, I don't know, maybe, just buy a couple month's worth at a time? That way they could use it up before it gets stale...

I'm sorry to hear about this, Megan. :(
Susan my last batch I purchased was 3 weeks old...and the reason the mill is refusing to carry it is because of people complaining about how old the feed was...The mill also stated that they complained long after the fact they bought the feed.. It's never been more then a month old when I've purchased it. Perhaps they should have managed their feed, and bought only enough so it didn't go bad on them?
That would make the most sense...just buy what you can in whatever amount of time the food is still acceptably fresh! People never cease to amaze me. :) I buy my food every two weeks so that I can get the freshest takes a little more effort, but I am not complaining.

I hope that you don't end up having to drive so far just for pellets...
Because it's a mill there's a couple things you can do if you're interested;

Become a supplier of the feed, you'll need to have adequate storage and there's usually a tonnage limit.

Or ask them "special order" it for you prepaid - they LOVE it when you prepay and tell them that you will not be doing any returns. This is where you tell them you'd rather spend your money with them and not drive 7 hours.

You may have to find some of the other people who were ordering it to do a bulk order, but if you're really nice to the mill folks they'll likely do it. :))
Tara- they don't mill it specifically at that mill, and were bringing it into PA from ohio for that is where the problem is--they are refusing to carry it and bring it into the mill period too much of a hassle.

I did find someone who is able to get it, finally. They want $3 more a bag the what I was paying, but it's going to save me a 6-7 hour trip so will be worth it :).