cleaning some matted fur? water bath? help??

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just a little chin-crazy!
Feb 8, 2014
chicago suburbs
my chinnie boy has quite a bit of fur on his underside (tummy, back legs) matted with urine. i'm looking for help in cleaning it.

i've tried dust baths upon dust baths and it's only helped a little. i think i need to give him a water bath... and I"m really worried about how to do this. anyone else ever needed to give a water bath? I'm worried about getting him dry enough!

please help!
You could try using unscented baby wipes first.

I have seen a youtube video of someone giving their chin a water bath (for medical reasons) and have read a little bit about it, but have never done so myself.

From what I understand, you want to make sure you have a hair dryer with a cool setting (not blowing hot/warm air at your chin) and sitting their drying your chin off as long as it take for them to be completely dry.. which I would imagine would take a long time (I would assume at least 20-40 minutes.. maybe an hour?) just make sure if you do go this route that you have time to sit and dry your chin as long as it takes.

Another idea, is making getting one of those combs and trying to work it out?

Maybe others will have more experience or other suggestions!
I had to give a malo chin water baths. Dish soap, rinse well. you need a hair dryer with a cool setting. The chin would just sit on my lap which made it easier. I would hold the dryer in one hand and with the other hand move the fur like doing your hair.
I would just pull the mats out. Chins can and do release their hair without it hurting them. He might have a bald spot for a while but it will grow back in. I avoid water baths as much as possible. Its very hard to blow dry a chin without over heating them. Much easier to pull them out and start over. What kind of bedding are you using?