Chins not getting along

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Jul 14, 2010
I recently got a new chinchilla, after her quarantine period, i tried puting my two girls together with vanilla on their noses and tails. I put them in a smaller cage and my older one, Bailey bit my new girl's nose and i seperated them. Any tips on how i can put them together?
Sometimes they just won't get along with another chin. I haven't had any success with introducing new chins with each other since I only have 2 of my own. My one girl will attack any chin even through cage bars.
Can you put their cages right next to eachother so they can communicate and see eachother, but have bars seperating them? They may get used to eachother that way, then you could try slow intoductions again later. People also recommend switching cages so they get used to eachothers smells.
I put my girls in a brand new cage together so I think that made it easier since it was neutral territory.
Hi Meghan,

There is a sticky Tunes wrote about introducing chins. Find it here. In it there are tips and different methods to try. Like Michelle, I haven't had any luck with introductions. But you might be more successful! I'll cross my fingers for you.
I have recently successfully introduced 5 new chins to each other. I let them meet in neutral territory then when it came to putting them all in the same cage I got a new cage all toegther and they all get on like a house on fire.. chins are naturally a herd animal and enjoy company
IMO I would not attempt to put them together again after what you stated...

Bailey bit my new girl's nose and i seperated them

Once this happens it most likely will happen again, only it could be a much more serious wound.