chinchillas and rabbits

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Active member
Feb 8, 2010
Scottsdale, AZ
My bf and I are contemplating getting a rabbit and we currently have a chin. I know about pasturella but I'm not sure to what extent the two breeds would need to be separated. I know they can't be caged together or play together but can one play after the other or can they never be in the same room ever? I'm not sure how it transmits. Could I have the chin out and then put him away and take the rabbit out? Or would they need to be in completely separate rooms?

Never in the same room, never in the same play area. You would need to be excruciatingly clean between handlings. It is transmitted via bodily fluids, so they could never come into contact with each other.
I was told by the bun rescue people I deal with on heath issues that what Tunes said is best, but the min is the species are separated enough so that nasal discharge cannot be contracted such as across a large room and play should be separate, if that cannot happen then it needs to be on solid surfaces so pee can be wiped up, poo sweeped and the area disinfected. These people do want to adopt out buns so maybe they are a little lax? If the bun had URI symptoms then the whole picture changes IMO. Me, I would error on the side of caution and not even have a chin and a bun, but thats me and my bad luck.
I have a bun and I have chins. My bunny is in a seperate room and never has any cotact with my chins or any area the chins are in. It's just safer that way IMO.
i had them across the room from each other if they had to be in the same room(like when it was hot in the summer since only the bedroom has ac)
they played seperately, they were NEVER in the same cage, i had blankets that put on the floor during playtime, mostly to avoid "accidents" and those were washed after each playtime.I do the same thing with the guinea pigs.

edited to add: oh! also make sure to wash your hands between playtimes, with antibacterial soap for the full 30 seconds and all that.and the bedroom was linoleum(sp)
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For those of you that have buns and chins, what's your housing situation like? Could i make this work in a 2 bedroom apt?

Thanks for all your help so far!
I have a separate chin room for my chins and the living room is for rescues in Q. My bun is in my bedroom in her massive C&C cage. So depending where your chins are I am sure you can have a seperate area.
I wonder if the UK people could chime in here on the issue of rabbit haemorrhagic disease, officials claim that its rabbit only but there are internet rumors of chinchillas getting it.
Wow, I have two rabbits and three chins and never even knew of any possible issues from having them both.
My Chins are in the Dining Room and my Bunnies are upstairs in the Master Bedroom. I've only had my Bunnies a week and currently they get their playtime outside in the backyard. When the weather turns, it's good to know to establish a different play area for them inside. Thanks for posting this.
i had a 2 bedroom house, so it could work, just if they have to be in the same room,keep them across the room from each other and keep playtime seperate
I have 2 rabbits in my room and all the chins in the living room. It has been this set up for two years. I have done alright with this. One time tilly ate through an old cage and escaped and found her way to the soon as I realized it she looked like a flying squirrel attacking the bunny...shes feisty...everyone was fine and no issues have occurred since then. please note* I AM NOT SAYING ITS OKAY TO HAVE THEM IN CONTACT ...just a silly anecdote