chinchilla laying on her side

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I really hope you take everyone's advice and move her now. I get nervous when temps get at 70/72. I tend to overreact when it comes to the summer though, but I can't imagine having my chin in 90 degree weather, let alone 102. I highly doubt she's doing ok. Please take everyone's advice and do something asap. It's no longer about that your mom wants to keep it at a certain temp, it's not fair for your chin to live like that, it's basically like you putting on a winter coat and staying out in 100 degree temp. From what you've said, she's been in temp's 30 degrees over what she should be. It's more important for her to go somewhere safe, maybe just move her to someone else's house for the summer months.
Before I had air in my room, my guys would go into the basement, they still do if the electricity goes out, which is has once in the summer. heat is one of my biggest concerns with my guys.
We have one that does this, almost every night after playtime. The first time she did it I thought something was wrong. It is cute now though... Wasn't then!
Hi there, I'm in the uk so dont usually have to worry abotu such high temperatures, but my chins do tend to lay on their sides if they are too warm. I use a slab of marble that i keep in the fridge for them to sit on if it is particularly warm they seem to cool down pretty quick! Even a raisen frozen in an ice cube they seem to love and cools them down too!
Holy! That's a high temp for a chin to be in! 77 :S
I live in england, so I don't really get high temperatures. Good and bad thing.. It's pretty much ALWAYS cold! So I have to keep her warm with a blanket, which she loves :D

But 77 :S really not a good idea... Chins are good at hiding their illnesses. Trust me, most experienced chin owners will know this.
Get a fan- dont point it at her. and an AC. If it's money just offer to pay more. You can';t let your chin live in them high conditions. :)

my chin lays on her side when she sleeps. When she first did it I ran to her cage crying because I thought she was dead. Turns out she was just sleeping :')
Cliveyboy, just want to point out that raisins aren't good treats as they are loaded with sugar. Dried fruit in general isn't good, to sugary for chins. Pinch of rosehip, rolled outs, shredded wheat, cheerio, or extra twigs are a good treat, rarely of course :)
I too agree that 77 is a bit warm, but having lived in az, I understand where your mother is coming from... Keeping a house 77 during summer temps of 115 is already a huge expense. My bill was at least 350 to keep it just that. Trying to keep it 70 or lower is suicide not only costing you 500 in bills but killing your a/c unit... So good luck with your chin! It's not easy keeping a chin in the valley. I'm glad you have a back up plan though :)
What are the signs that a chin is going through heat stroke or is too hot? My room is around 70-72, but I want to make sure I know the signs as it gets further into the summer.
Very lethargic, usually lay down. Uninterested at anything.
Other people will know more ^^ but they're the usual signs!
I couldn't imagine keeping a chin at 102F geez. But I myself am very comfortable at 67-69F and that's what I had always kept my house at before I got And let me just say the other day is was really hot here and I had the A/C on and didn't watch the weather and by the time I got up it was 64F so it was a bit chilly for me but my girls loved it and I let them out to run their little legs I worry at 69F that they will overheat running and playing as they do but I may be overacting.....My vet told me the highest temp 75 that is if they were still and not doing anything...
I appreciate everyone's input and I do take it into consideration. However, I haven't seen any signs of decline and she has been at z73-77 degrees for almost 3 months now. The highest the house has gotten is. 79 and that is after taking a shower and the room getting hot and humid. I keep her cooler at night when she is the most active. Typically between 73-75. I keep a cool spot where she can go to cool down if she is hot. I believe she is fine. I am worried when it gts hotter but with the ventilation in the attic, I don't think it will make our house any hotter. thanks again for all of your input! :)
I appreciate everyone's input and I do take it into consideration. However, I haven't seen any signs of decline and she has been at z73-77 degrees for almost 3 months now. The highest the house has gotten is. 79 and that is after taking a shower and the room getting hot and humid. I keep her cooler at night when she is the most active. Typically between 73-75. I keep a cool spot where she can go to cool down if she is hot. I believe she is fine. I am worried when it gts hotter but with the ventilation in the attic, I don't think it will make our house any hotter. thanks again for all of your input! :)

Since there's really nothing your going do it as far as decreasing the temp.....maybe add more cool things to her age, a couple more chinchillers or even giving her an ice cube from time to time. Since it's only going to get hotter and hotter in the next couple months. You really have to imagine being in a winter coat in the temp she's in to see what she's feeling. But adding those small things, could make her a little more comfortable.
I bet if you kept the temp lower then 77 (which is extremely hot for chins) she would be more active during the day and night. I would be extremely worried about her over heatting in those high temps.

I start to panic when the temp reaches 70 here. Personally, if I couldn't keep the room cool enough for the chin, I would do what's best and either invest in a personal AC or give her away to someone who could keep her happy. But that's just me.
You say you have a back up home ready if you can't care for her. Proper tempature is part of basic chinchilla care. At what point will you deiside you can't. Care for her right? When 100 people on here tell you 75 is too hot or when she over heats and dies? Do you really wanna risk killing her? I live without a ac so my chins can have it. Its in the window with the dorr shut so the get all the cool air. I suffer for them. Its time you either work on the tempature or give her to someone who can. When you get a pet its part of basic husbandry to provide what they need and if you cant , its not a good pet for you.
I don't aim to sound mean but you really should do what's in the best interest for the chin. I understand that you may not be able to buy an a/c unit but if you can't afford to properly house the chin then you really should give her to someone who can. I really don't think that anyone here is going to reassure you that she will be fine at those temps so I don't understand why you ask for advice if you know you are unable to keep her at the temps she needs to be kept at. It is very unfair to make her live in a hot environment. Energy cost will seem like nothing if she gets sick over this and you end up with a hefty vet bill. All the other things that people have suggested and as they have said as well does not replace getting an a/c unit they would be considered temporary.