Chinchilla is urinating a lot

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Active member
Jun 17, 2013
I dont know if it is me but it seem like they my chinchillas are urinating quite a bit. Even when I brought them home they were urinating a lot but it seem like now it got worse. Or is because I have 2 chinchilla in 1 cage so it seem like it is a lot of pee? Or is it because the bedding is not good at absorbing? Before I used aspen it was ok but now i'm trying carefresh. Is it the bedding? or multiple chinchilla in one cage? or something else?
I personally think they seem to be drinking the same amount(I hear the ball clicking when they drink) but I can't tell since their water bottle leaks. But they been drinking the same amount since I got them. When I refill the water the amount is about the same.
I would not switch to carefresh because if they ingest it (and most chins will chew on it and try to eat it) it can expand in their stomachs causing serious problems like impaction, bloat, etc. If you aren't happy with aspen you would try switching to pine.
My chinchillas dont bite anything except for their food and hay. They dont seem to have any interest in chew toys at all. Should I be worried?
Back to the topic they wont chew on it but either way I wont be using carefresh. I dont really like it, there is a smell to it. Yeah i'm gonna try using pine.
Okay, if the chinchilla isnt drinking a lot of water but urinating a lot is that normal?
Excess thirst and excess urination go hand in hand, when there is excess urination the plasma becomes consentrated and body responds to the loss of fluid by triggering the thirst mechanism, when there is excess thirst the plasma becomes diluted and the body responds with excess urination, so you really should not have one without the other, especially if there are no other symptoms such a lethargy, weight loss, excessive weight gain, not eating, straining when urinating. My thoughts are its two chins in a smaller cage using a non absorbant bedding.
Causes can be renal issues, bladder issues such as infection or stones, diabetes, temp changes to the warm side-medical issues for it though usually are accompanied by other symtoms-over eating and losing weight, lethargy, weight loss, excessive weight gain, straining while urinating, urine dribble, sweet smelling breath, bloated looking, just some of the symptoms of the above listed conditions.