Chinchilla Eating Cardboard

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Jun 17, 2012
San Jose, CA
Hi Everyone,

My chin seems to love eating (yes eating, not just chewing/nibbling) cardboard, and I am wondering if this is safe for him. The only time he gets access to it is during playtime because I made a barrier out of tri-fold poster boards (science fair boards) that surrounds his whole play area. I know he is actually eating it because I can hear him chewing on it in his mouth and he doesn't spit it out.

I keep an eye on him during playtime and try to shoo him away every time he goes for the cardboard, but he always seems to get some into his mouth. Any input/suggestions/ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I've read online that cardboard could potentially lead to impactions as it expands in their stomachs. Has this ever happened to anyone's Chinchilla firsthand? Any firsthand advice would be really helpful.

Thanks in advance everyone!
Yes, cardboard is dangerous if the chinchilla is actually eating it and can cause an impaction. Some people will use cardboard (under supervision) and that's ok- just as long as the chinchilla is only chewing and not actually eating.

You are gonna have to come up with another idea for your play area. Can you use your bathroom? This is often where chinchillas have their playtime, just make sure the toilet seat is down and there isn't anything the chin could get into. You could also buy a playpen online. They often sell them for small dogs and I know many members here have them. Just a couple ideas, I'm sure others will have more.
I have not had it happen to a chinchilla, but my sister's guinea pig died from eating cardboard so I know it is possible. You definitely need to find another solution since the cardboard is a big danger to you chinchilla.
Can you get rid of the areas he's chewing on? For example duct tape the edges all together? Also offer other alternatives at play time like shreddy items that are safe and soft kinds of woods if he likes cardboard.
I have a chinchilla who likes to eat cardboard too, which is sad cause I have some cute toys with cardboard that I can only give to one of my girls. The other chews it, and while Chia's cage will be full of shredded bits, Abby's will be clean. I saw her munching on it and I took it away, and so far she is fine. I wouldn't let her have cardboard again though!
I have not had it happen to a chinchilla, but my sister's guinea pig died from eating cardboard so I know it is possible. You definitely need to find another solution since the cardboard is a big danger to you chinchilla.

Could you elaborate on the situation with the guinea pig? (How much did he/she ingest? Was the cardboard left in the cage for an extended period of time? Was the death due to impaction? Timeline and behaviors from ingestion to death?)

Any details would be greatly appreciated :)

Thank you!

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