Chin with possible broken teeth, excessive drooling.

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Feb 7, 2014
HELP!!! My chinchilla started drooling excessively a few days ago. Her name is Eva, she is generally healthy about 4 years old, and a rescue. She was an infant when I rescued her, She was unexpected and the owner was going to put her outside. I looked at her top front teeth and they were long and had started to curl back up inside her mouth. I did a bunch of research that said not to trim your chin's teeth without being trained by a vet first, but I literally have no money. I trimmed them myself, and the ends are flat and even, but she is still drooling quite a bit (all over her chin and chest) I am concerned that I may have broken her teeth. She is eating ok and is active, although she hasn't been grooming herself very well over the past few days. I don't know what to do!! Will her teeth be ok? Will she be ok?? I'm so worried....Please help!
Wow. The only advice I have is, if you can't afford a vet, you should consider surrendering her to a rescue. Trimming her teeth by yourself at home is not a reasonable substitute to proper vet care. Chins teeth have nerves in them, and you probably have caused her a great deal of pain.
She needs to see a vet. If you don't know what you are doing, you can cause a lot of problems with chin teeth trimming them yourself.

I don't mean to sound rude but there were times in the past where I had very little or no money, this was when I was very young in my late teens and early 20s. I still took my chins to the vet, I found a way to pay for everything. When you have pets you take care of them, sometimes it can cost money.

She needs to go to the vet as soon as you can get her in to see the vet. Problems like this don't have a good home remedy.
It sounds like it wasn't much of a rescue. I would no more trim my own chin's teeth than I would perform a castration on my dog. You could have done irreparable damage to her teeth. I don't even want to think about how you trimmed her or what it must have felt like for her.

If you can't take her to a vet, then find a real rescue and have them take her in.
More likely than not her front teeth were long and curled because her molars are overgrown and she can no longer chew properly to wear the front teeth down. If the front teeth are overgrown you can almost bet the back teeth are also. There is no self vetting that can fix that. She needs to be seen by a vet and have a full set if X-rays under sedation. More than likely she has malocclusion but it could be something like an abcess or something stuck in her teeth. Regardless she probably needs her teeth filed and is probably in a lot of pain.
I can't believe what I just read.
This chinchilla needs to see an experienced chinchilla vet ASAP.
Also, please surrender this chinchilla to a legitimate rescue and hope that you haven't cause irreparable damage. If you cannot afford proper health care for a pet then you should not have one.
I'm just praying that this is an infamous "troll" post. I can't imagine anyone without any experience doing something like this to any animal.
Your chin prob has MALO!!! YOU NEED TO GET HIM TO THE VET. a check up is like $60. Also MALO is very serious make sure she has PLENTY of chew sticks (safe woods/organic) and wooden toys to keep her chewing.
Your chin prob has MALO!!! YOU NEED TO GET HIM TO THE VET. a check up is like $60. Also MALO is very serious make sure she has PLENTY of chew sticks (safe woods/organic) and wooden toys to keep her chewing.

No amount of chewing will correct malo and malo chins do not chew.

As far as the OP, to keep this chin alive in this condition without vet care is cruel, PTS is a better option rather than the **** on earth thin chin is in.
They say she's about 4 years old, but say they rescued her as a baby. The story doesn't add up. If they had her for 4 years, god only knows what other self-vetting they've done. I wont even trim my hamster's teeth on my own, I couldn't even imagine trying to do it to a chin...