"chill" chins

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2010
Cleveland, Ohio
I read so many stories about how crazy everyones chins are. How they run around and do crazy things.....my chins really just kinda sit there, unless they see me coming, then they run to the furthest end of the cage to get away from me! Especially after reading the post in the ChinChat about how whites are usually the craziest. I have a all white mosaic and a gray mosaic, they just like to sit and cuddle next to eachother, even at night.....hmmm
How long have you had them? Could they be just getting used to you?
Also I've noticed if my fiance spend a week or so where we're mostly out of the house, our chin tends to shy away from us more. Whereas when we're home most of the day and keeping her company, she's more outgoing towards us.

Some chins are just calmer than others! Be happy they aren't keeping you up all night like my baby currently is :p
they are both mosaics, so I have been told, one is white, with a light gray tail, and the other is a light gray. I don't know much about colors! sorry!
Most of our chinnies are so excited to see us when we walk in their room. They all run to the front of their cages and want to know what is "goin on".
Rosetta however is definitely our "chill chin", she just stands there and sorta wobbles, she is soooo funny, we refer to her as our "quaaludue chinnie". She just doesn't get too excited about anything, but she is the best mommy ever.
Since they are pretty new, you probably aren't seeing their true personalities just yet. You can fill their cage with fun toys and things, and that will help ignite their curiosity, and bring them out of their shells a bit.

When I first announced I wanted a chinchilla, my best friend said "Oh, don't get one of those, they don't do anything." She was judging by her experiences with a former roommate's pet. After I got my first two girls, she came by to see them, and she took a look at all the goodies I'd loaded their cage down with and watched them exploring it, and she said "OK, Bill's cage was pretty empty, maybe that was why he didn't do anything!" She also admitted later that he'd never let the poor thing out for playtime, either. She had NO idea they were so interactive...