car accident...

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
I got hit on Wednesday night. I was making a left turn across traffic and guess I didn't see the car. I really don't know- I remember the impact, but don't remember about 30 seconds before the impact. Anyway, the ER dr. only gave me 4 days off work, that is up tomorrow. I am still in a crapload of pain, even with taking Norco. I am going to the regular dr today. how much time should I be asking for off? The worst pain is in my right low back/ hip area. It hurts to walk, it hurts to sit, it just hurts. That one is a sharp pain, where all the others are just achy owies. My breasts are purple, my tummy is purple, it hurts to breathe deeply, I can't exert the pressure needed to open the stupid child safe pain pill bottle! I am thinking 2 weeks to really let my body heal, what do you guys think? I know several have had accidents here, would like to hear your stories. Oh, it was an expedition vs my mazda protege. heard the emt saying there was about 1/2 foot intrusion on the passenger side. It hit my car by the front of the passenger door and was going 35-40 mph.
It is really up to you. I was in an accident where I was thrown from the car I was in. The driver of my car was going 90 the other car 70. I was back to school by the end of the week.

Listen to your body. Dont over exert yourself. If ou feel like you need to two weeks, take it. If you feel better after a week go back to work. Nothing is KEEPING you home if you dont need it later.
I agree with the PP - listen to your body.

I was hit by a semi on an interstate a few years ago, took one weekend off of work, and was back to work and school by Monday (accident was on a Friday).

You bet if I had still been in pain, I would've taken more time. Just be honest about it, and don't take more time than you need.

I hit a deer once. $5,000 damage to the car, so you can imagine the hit I took. I went my doctor and was examined for the once over, but as soon as they asked the question, "Was this the result of an automobile accident???", they then referred me to a doctor approved by my insurance company. Colorado law says that you have to be seen by a doctor provided by your car insurance if your injury involves a car.

Long story short, I just pooh-poohed the fact that I had a "stiff neck" and would get over it with some Advil and rest, even thought the doctor had told me that I suffered whiplash.

Well, the Advil and rest didn't help and I finally went back 6 weeks later and at that time, I was put into physical therapy. Silly me -- I should have done it the first time. It took a few months to get some relief, mainly because I didn't start right after the accident.

Learn from my mistake -- go to the doctor and if they recommend you any physical therapy or massage, jump on it -- after all, that's why you have insurance and pay those premiums every year!!!

ETA: On a lighter note, the car's name then became "The Deerslayer"!!! Can you tell that I was an English Major??? ;)
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Thanks ladies. I sure wish I was feeling better, but it is painful to do the basics- hubby had to put my socks on me. I had a feeling in the hospital this was going to be more than a day thing. I am still trying to figure out how to use the restroom with less pain.
I hope that you have no lasting damage. It always hurts right after an accident like that, you do need to make sure that you go to the doctor.

I had an accident 5 years ago and was told at the scene that I wasn't injured. For about 5 to 6 months I was in a lot of pain, and four years after that I found out that my spine was completely out of alignment with one vertebra being knocked way out of where it should have been.

You really have to take care of yourself and get checked up on by the doctor over the next few months. It could easily take more than 2 weeks for you to heal and you shouldn't be setting a schedule for that. I hope you can get more time off of work. If you're hurting, you don't need to be working!

I am a giant hypocrite because after my accident, the day after, I cleaned all the chin cages myself. It took me twice as long as usual - 6 am until 8:30 pm to get it all done. Then cared for all the chins by myself the entire time I was in pain despite asking for the insurance company for assistance so I could hire someone to help me. A stupid kid hit me while he was making a left turn at 45 miles per hour as he tried to race me through an intersection. I had a chinchilla in the car and he actually had his back broken from the impact and had to be put down. That was just about the worst day of my life since I was stuck an hour from home and had no transportation to the veterinarian....ugggg...
I'm no doctor, but if you are having muscle spasms and back pain, I would see your doctor and ask for a muscle relaxer and some pain meds.

If you can lie down on the floor and bend your legs up onto the couch or coffee table at a 90 degree angle, you may get some relief in that position. If you would prefer to be in bed, lie flat on your back with pillows stacked up to keep your knees at a 90 degree angle.

I know that it sounds crazy, since heat feels so good, but being on an ice pack immediately after an acute injury is actually better for you and feels GREAT!!! Just wrap a frozen blue ice pack in a towel and place it under your back where the pain is. You may get chilled, so cover up with a blanket or down comforter and you will feel very cozy. Ice treatment is usually 20 minutes on the ice and 30 minutes off so you don't get frostbite.

Get your rest and ask about those meds!!! :)
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No helpful advice for "how long", but I thought I should mention that unless you have children (or mischievous dogs/cats) in your house, your pharmacy has non-safety caps for your pill bottles. If you can ask your husband to stop in for you, it should just take a couple of minutes to get the caps swapped so at least you can take your darn pills. :) Hope you come around soon, and like everyone else has said, don't overdo it. Also, drink plenty of water to 1) help keep your stomach etc. comfy w/ all that tylenol in your system, and 2) help your muscles heal properly.
mmmmmmm..... la la land...
got the muscle relaxers and high dose ibuprofen to go along with my norco. Now I can sit down to pee without crying in pain! yay!! He gave me the two weeks of work since it is documented that I am a slow healer. I do wish my husband was taking better care of me. He doesn't want me to do anything, which is good cause it hurts to do most things, but then if I say I am hungry, it's like another 2 hours before there is actually food. It pisses me off to be in this situation.
My husband is the same way. Since you got some much needed pain relief If I were you I would get up every two hours or so anyway and walk around the house to prevent blood clots. Take care and eat and drink healthy.
just wanted to say that i hope you feel better real soon. and next time you are up, get a little box or crate or something and pack it with some water bottles and put some snacks and stuff in there. tissues, magazines, etc...that way when you want something right away it is at your fingertips and dont have to wait on someone. also if it hurts to get up, consolidate your "errands". get up to go to bathroom, walk to kitchen, take medicine, back to bed. ;)