bunch of questions

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Active member
May 4, 2011
I tend to give my hedgie francine a bath every time she gets dirty so about once or twice a week since shes a baby im wondering if this is way way too much. She has been getting dried skin which ive been putting olive oil on to help. Also i just gave. Alot of treats because she was really playful and active today about 4-5 meal worms is that bad.also what are some treats that your hedgies like? Also what are some toys. francine already figured out the toilet paper tube so all she really can do is run on her wheel since ahe wont bother with any tubes anymore. And finally can i usethat fluffy grey bedding stuff like the ones you use for hamsters? (I use to have alot of hamsters).. ( sorry for the bad grammar)
Yes, that is too often for bath time. The dry skin you are seeing is likely worse than it should be due to the frequent baths. Instead of giving a full bath, try giving foot baths, where you just get their feet wet. Hopefully that will help keep things under control. Another method I used with an albino was just to use a wet wash cloth to spot clean.

If Francine isn't getting fat on 4-5 mealworms then you should be ok. I try to give smaller mealworms when giving a lot. Some hedgehogs cannot have that many because they easily become over weight.
theyre the small mealworms used for fish and she usually doesnt get her back wet just her stomach i get her back wet once a week at the most usually less because i want to avoid any water getting on her ears.
Some hedgehogs will have drier skin than others. Instead of olive oil you could try flaxseed oil or vitamin E. Vitamin E is very sticky and it will only take a couple of drops. I like it because it seems to last longer than flaxseed for keeping my hedgehogs' skin moist. I have no proof on that though.

If you are still using your furnace, I am its still too cold, check the humidity in the room. Forced air heating dries out the air, dry air can make dry skin worse. I use a humidifier to help as I do have a hedgehog who gets dry skin easily, plus it helps my own skin too.

One last thought, how old is your hedgehog? Is she young enough that she could be quilling? Quilling can cause dry skin too.
Ah, you have a baby! She's at the age she should be starting to quill or is quilling. Some do not drop very many quills. I have one now that I rarely found any dropped quills, but she grew in a bunch. Her brother, however, had horrible flaky skin while he quilled. It came off in very large flakes. His dry skin went away after he stopped quilling.

You can get some oatmeal bath wash and add it to the water you use to bath her with. It will also help soothe her skin. Also the flaxseed or vitamin e oil will help as well.

Now... you will have to tell us more about your baby... pictures are always well received.
No, you can post the pictures right in here :D Or start a new post. Whatever you prefer!

Also, don't be suprised if your hedgie is a little grumpy while she's quilling. It's natural, so don't be discouraged by it :)
shes not grumy at the least she cuddles with me and loves walking around