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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
No improvement since Monday.Still not eating/drinking,tiny dry poos in spite of handfeeding since Saturday/mylicon/reglan then added chloramphenicol on Monday's vet visit( chin Dr not available so had to see another vet who was great with him but not comfortable with gassing/xray/scoping for mouth or gi issues).She even called me herself yesterday to see how he was doing and make sure I brought him back to see Dr B if no improvement.Dr B gassed him and did skull x-rays and a thorough mouth check. Only finding was a chip in one front tooth that he went ahead and straighted up.Nothing bad enough to explain condition. Discussed increased resp rate with stress and I have started noticing him stretch his head/neck out during feeding alot more. We decided to go ahead and do full body x-rays. Not happy with findings. Left lung showing consolidated area/possible tumor vs infection.Very few air pockets noted on the left side.No other respiratiory s/s other than increased resp rate with stress.Options were to pursue more invasive diagnostics to confirm mass vs infection but knowing very poor success with that extensive a surgery, I decided to forgo more testing/trauma. We added metacam to the regimen(mouth was definitely going to be sore after I watched the exam being done under anesthesia),gave more sub-q fluids,continue hand feeding/reglan and chloramphenicol for antibiotic for a few more days. If no improvement by Sat will try different antibiotic regimen. Praying that this works and it is not a tumor but either way he is being kept comfortable and given supportive care until he either improves or shows s/s of increased distress.He is a Momma's boy and is still snuggling and giving whisker kisses so not giving up on him yet! Prayers appreciated and any advice welcome.Oh, he felt comfortable ruling out diaphram hernia/rupture since stomach is in proper location. Will update as time goes by.:cry3:
If there is still discomfort, ask to have tramadol added, metecam and tramadol work well as a team for moderate to severe pain without all the nasty side effects of buprenex, another strong pain med, sending positive thoughts to your boy!