Apples in the cage

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2011
Addison Ny
If went to the local petsmart today to get aspen bedding and was so mad I just had to tell the cashier about it. They had a chinchilla in a glass cage(arg) with diced up apples. I told her they should not have fresh fruit of veggies and all she said was "how come" makes me mad that they are almost advertising to people that that is something they are supposed to have. I just can't believe pet stores!
If you have ever gotten any books from pet stores about chins or from bookstores, they usually recommend fruits and veggies. I have seen zoos with chinchillas fed fruits and veggies as well. The diet needs of the mysterious chinny seems to be pretty misunderstood outside of the community. It's too bad, since most of those chins will not live a full and painfree life. :hair: If you take a look around the forums you will see many stories of members trying to be helpful and advise the stores of the errors.. they usually will not listen or care.:cry3:
I work in a brand new PetSmart, and while the chins are still in a glass cage, it has an air filter in specially made for chins. & my store will never feed chinchillas anything fresh, because I talked to management about it(at both this and my old store). They were really appreciative of the fact that I was sharing information that would enhance the animals' care. And that store also wasn't following the feeding chart- apples are not on the list of approved foods. FTR, I've written this site down for all of my coworkers. Hopefully they've read it; either way, customers at my store are informed of the correct way to care for chins. I make sure of it- and some stores do care. You should call the corporate number and complain about the fruit in the cage, that's the most effective way to get stuff changed.
Why are you mad that she asked "how come"? You could have taken that opportunity to educate her on why they shouldn't have apples, and *maybe* if she cared enough she would have talked to management. OR, Petsmart has tons of signs on every habitat cage (or they should) with the "CareSmart" phone number that you can call and voice yoru concerns about the animals, or to speak with a store manager. Coming here and complaining does nothing to help the chins that Petsmart carries. Be proactive about it- we have enough pet store complaint threads that aren't doing squat to help the chins.

Also, like it was mentioned, the cages are ventilated. I know in the store I worked at, the store was always warm and it was actually cooler INSIDE the glass cages than it was in the store.
I'm gonna have to check for that "CareSmart" phone number next time I venture to Petsmart. I've never seen anything like that. I can't really complain about our Petsmart because everytime I go in there I check on the chins and I've never seen anything bad in their cages, except the "hay wheels".
It's no wonder there are so many confused chin owners out there when the stores that sell them have no clue themselves in their proper care...
Why are you mad that she asked "how come"? You could have taken that opportunity to educate her on why they shouldn't have apples, and *maybe* if she cared enough she would have talked to management. OR, Petsmart has tons of signs on every habitat cage (or they should) with the "CareSmart" phone number that you can call and voice yoru concerns about the animals, or to speak with a store manager. Coming here and complaining does nothing to help the chins that Petsmart carries. Be proactive about it- we have enough pet store complaint threads that aren't doing squat to help the chins.

I did inform her why it was bad for them, I was just stating that a place that sells animals should know what to feed them and I have never seen any of the signs on the cages either, will have to look next time I am in there.