Another old man chinchilla food question - Pellets edition

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Barbra Salas

Active member
Jul 23, 2023
Hi! My old man Roo has also mostly stopped eating his pellets. He will eat a few of his Mazuri pellets if I drop a few drops of juice from a fresh grape on them, but that's not sustainable, and he's not eating enough of them to help much. He has always absolutely refused Oxbow Essentials when I've tried to switch him over slowly. I just bought a bag of Science Selective from Amazon based on reviews that say their senior chinchillas love it. Any input from you all on that front? (Also, his teeth are absolutely fine per the vet and per the signs I'm seeing. It's his elderly gut and taste buds we're struggling with.)
I've never fed it but Science Selective is suppose to be a good food, it's one of the top recommended chinchilla specific foods right now, and a lot of chins seem to like it a lot more then Mazuri or Oxbow. It's more like nuggets instead of pellets so it is something different, they are bigger so easier for a chin to hold and, I could be wrong, but I think I read someone say it's also softer then pellets. They also have plantain in them (the leafy herb not the fruit) which I know my guy likes, as well as parsley which chins also are suppose to like the taste of.
Thank you Amethyst! I have heard those things too! Crossing my fingers! Roo likes the dried plantain leaves too.