Another Chin in the future? I Think So!!!!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Momma to Many ^_^
Nov 28, 2011
West Texas
So my Fiance and i were talking last night about possibly getting Ozzy a friend to have. I told him about how some of the members on here have rescues for Chins. He told me that maybe in a year or two we can get Ozzy a friend. I definitely want to go with a rescue chin though. So excited! :thumbsup:
When I first joined this site you guys told me that Chins are addicting, I didn't believe you! That is until now haha! When the time gets closer I will start contacting some of the rescue people on here and see what we can do =)

Thank You all for being such an awesome forum!

Ozzy and Tendra