Am I the only one...

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like it was said earlier it only shows ignorance and you shouldnt get mad at ignorance or you become ignorant ;)

i do understand how it can be frustrating though. i have had classmates and family members joke about making soy sauce into a fur coat :(
I dont generally get mad. If someone doesnt know what it is, I can see how they would assume some type of rabbit. I just chose to educate the person. I dont see the need to get all in a fluff about it. Just tell them what they are and teach them a new animal, and share with them how special they are
On Halloween, one of my cages was visible from the front door. I had a lot of kids ask me about my bunnies. I just politely told them that those aren't bunnies, they're chinchillas. After that, the kids usually thought that they were cool.

I had that experience on Halloween, too. A few kids asked what was in the cages and one said, "whoa, that's a lot of birds!" Next year I should dress like a witch and tell kids that's where I'll put them if they try to take more than one piece of candy. Bwahahahah!

I like the "little bears" comment, Kristy. Drunk or not, that's pretty funny!
Nobody ever asked what my chin is. They all knew. But my friend did bring her ( at the time ) boyfriend and he kept calling her Pikacu. I was like she is not a freakin pokemon. UGG. Well from there I decided that his named sounded like Carmal and thats what I would call him since he can't stop calling my chin Pikacu
Nobody ever asked what my chin is. They all knew. But my friend did bring her ( at the time ) boyfriend and he kept calling her Pikacu. I was like she is not a freakin pokemon. UGG.

Haha, my brother met my chin for the first time last week and the first thing he mentioned was she looked like a pikachu. I was thinking well maybe pikachu looks like a chin!!! Pikachu thinks it's all cute but it just stole it's image from a chinchilla...
I get the are you making a coat comment all the time...No point in getting mad.I just say "Yes" that stops the problem there. People like to get others riled up for fun
I don't mind if they call them bunnies the first time. Cuz then I get to go into this hour long explanation all about chins. So everyone who has met my chin gets a whole history and caretaking lesson whether they like it or not! lol! So most of my family (which is ginormous) pretty much know the basics of chinchillas, and know I am a little (ok a lot) cuckoo about them. But refer to him again as a bun/rat/squirrel/furcoat, and I might hurt you. Although, I must say that the most entertaining comment I got was, "So you can't get it's nocturnal--doesn't like sunlight, you probably can't feed it after midnight either...It's a gremlin isn't it?!" No wonder chins are so mischievous... :hmm:
I like the gremlin quote but throw in the fact that they sparkle post-bath and you have yourself a vampire! Assuming you recognize Twilight as having actual vampires...
I like the gremlin quote but throw in the fact that they sparkle post-bath and you have yourself a vampire! Assuming you recognize Twilight as having actual vampires...

Oh you had to go there!

I don't get a lot of comments on having a chin, but I wouldn't be bothered either. My husband and I just did the gremlin connection ourselves tonight and had each other laughing at it. And I've been thinking Pikachu looks an aweful lot like a chin since I first saw one. It's kind of fun to see what creativeness comes of the exposure to the world.

Anyone who's repeatedly saying something they know is bugging you is just doing it to bug you. If it works they'll keep at it. Try looking at it this way when that happens. A chinchilla has the best of each of these critters. It hops like a rabbit, it's quick like a squirrel, and it chews thru things like a rat or mouse. Calling it by any of these names is only naming a part of what it can do. Where's the harm, really?
My family still calls them bunnies or rabbits after over 13 years. I have had people call them squirrels repairmen or people over here to do something other than see chins. It's okay that they say that...if they called them rats, I would be upset!
I get people asking me if I'm going to turn Shell into a coat. I say nope she's way too small for that. However, she'd make a great earmuff.
I'm laughing here over the posts.

My husband calls them the "aliens". To me they are the sweet little house beavers. ( snorts )

I also tell people who ask if I'm going to make a coat that I am a few short as it takes 25. :neener:
This is a fun thread! I get it too. Like previously mentioned, if you go along with it and act like it doesn't bother you, they'll stop. Not that there's anything wrong with rats, I don't like my chins being referred to as that. My brother constantly does it. I think "Squabbit" is funny!
I like the "house beaver" description. I have gotten wow WHAT are they?Then I go into what they are and then since I have both a guinea pig and rats they ask did you breed them to gether to get THAT? uh no I just told you what they are.
My biggest pet peeve is a friend that always says when you get tired of them I can feed them to my snake!!!!!!! What go away!!! He isnt a close friend now and I told him as long as he makes those type of statements he isnt allowed in my house.
I really don't mind if people call them bunnies. I just correct them and explain. If someone doesn't know what a chinchilla is, I usually describe them as a cross between bunnies and squirrels.. LOL. It is all in good fun. My dad calls them his grandkids or "The rats" and I don't mind at all. I know they are just poking fun and I love my little furry rodents. :D
Wait... Squabbit?! I love that, Smile!!! I'm gonna have to remember that! LOL