A lot of weight gain?

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
I have a little ebony female, and I just got her at the beginning of the month, and yes, she is housed with a male so could be (Hoping she is) pregnant, and yes, she has most likely been bred before. I weighed her just about three days ago, and she was 573, and this morning she was 622, and I was wondering it's normal that she gained so much weight in so little time. I'm pretty sure she is pregnant, but she couldn't be that far along, maybe a month or a month and a half?
Be careful with breeding her, I don't breed any female under 600g just for safety reasons.
Hopefully she just gained back some lost weight, that way she is over 600.
Also, make sure the scale was reading right. My scale is mean sometimes :d
We suspect she has been bred before, so I'm not too worried. But I'm watching her like a hawk, except that would be creepy :p
Whether she has been bred before or not doesn't matter. I still wouldn't breed a female that small (573 gm) unless she was a grand show champion or proven very high on the show table. There is just no point in breeding midget chins when there are so many that aren't available.

It's possible your scale was just off or she wasn't on it squarely and that accounts for the large weight gain.
No, she was squarely on it this time, she may not have been last time and that could account for the low weight. She was jumpy that day, she had never been upstairs before them.
I never weighed her when I had her here. She is a smaller chin, but not a chin that I would say is dwarf sized or anything.

Usually if I see a major weight change I attribute it to scale issues or not taring it properly, etc. and see what it is again in a couple days. I generally do not weigh my chins on a regular basis unless I think they are thin, etc.