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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. S

    Unusual change in attitude

    Roughly 16 months
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    Unusual change in attitude

    My baby girl has never been the one to bite you (unless you smelled like a treat, or cliping her nails) But as the season grows on, she seems to have a very unusual change in her moods. Recently we had a hibernation scare and made the steps as instructed that i did research on before i got her...
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    I have no idea what this is..

    My baby Mia has always had this little tan crecent out to the side of her eye.. always had it, never thought anything of it until the other day when it started to "swell" slightly. Althought it has gone back down to the size it normally is but i'm curious as to what it is.
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    Scratching more than i would like to see

    Well that is a little reassuring. She does often (5-8 times in the hour i sit and listen to her) but not for long periods of time. Just a couple seconds or so. I first started to notice it when she scratched at her ear so much she made it bleed, but that was when she had that infection. Much...
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    Hedgehog video

    Those are definately some very good people that hedgie has. He/she is sooo lucky!
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    Scratching more than i would like to see

    My baby, Mia, is scratching quite a bit lately. at first i would just hear her in the act, and got concerned after a while. so i started watching her.. She scratches all over and does not have any bigs, nor does she have the dry skin i was warned about. to be honest i think its just those spots...
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    Mine is the same way with the lighting. She does not like to come out at all if there is any sort of light on at all. even if i am on my phone, she sees it. But most energetic when she does get her quiet time.
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    About to give up on grouchy baby

    My personal suggestions (please do not quote me directly because I am still a new owner myself) but 1, check to see if there isn't anything bothering her, injuries, internal distress, etc. But I would have to say, time. All hedgehogs are different and have different personalities. My hedgie took...
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    Potty Training

    AMEN to that...
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    Multiple questions

    1. Toys: I've presented my hedgehog with several toys of several types, he ONLY plays with those empty toilet paper rolls, but keeps getting his head stuck. I tried cutting out a section so he would stop doing that but refuses to play with that... Any ideas? 2. Bedding: I'm using Aspen...
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    Potty Training

    He likes to poop where ever he feels like, ESPECIALLY IN HIS WHEEL... Any tips on potty training?
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    Im still fairly new to hedgehog ownership, maybe only about 3 weeks in. But my hedgehog (Buddie) seems to taking enough of a liking to me already. Gets scared at first but the second i put my hand down for a little snif, everything is aye okay. Up untill recently ive never had him bite me...