Wow. Send good vibes please?

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My babies Rock!
Jan 31, 2009
Western NY aka: Our Zoo. (We only lack a bird.)
So a while back (March?) I posted about a break-up and my concerns with splitting up our chinchillas, only to have things stabilize for a while.

Fast forward to last month (July) when the situation went to pot again and I was told I have until October to move out and that I am "welcome to take Crash, but Cervantes is staying". Crash is my chin, adopted from Carise in Cleveland; Cervantes was taken out of a bad situation in York Cty. PA from a friend of a friend of the Former Taller Half. Crash was adopted specifically because Cervantes needed a playmate, but the Former Taller Half doesn't care about splitting the pair; he just wants "his" pet.

So, I've been on the prowl for a new place to live, or a job and place to live elsewhere. Heck, I'm 27 years old; if I don't grow a pair and move out of my "home town" now, when the heck am I going to, and would I be young and healthy enough to enjoy it if I did it in another 30 years?

Just heard from a college friend; she and her husband are expecting a second baby, and while it was hard enough to keep up with the house work and take care of their son while they both worked full time, she's anticipating this pregnancy going even rougher b/c their son is now three. She's asked me to head to New York and help out as nanny/house keeper during her pregnancy... and I said yes.

So, Crash and I are moving in a month or so. I should probably tell the Former Taller Half some time soon (this literally just happened within the last hour), but I've also got SO MUCH to do, I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Any tips or advice for moving out of state? This is a first for me.

I wish I could take Cervantes with me too; I know he won't get the same kind of care he gets with me, but he'll have "Uncle" Steve looking in on him too since "Dad" often drops the ball on Chin Care. I just... Sometimes you have to give up things you love when you leave a place, I guess. I'm just lucky that *all* of my menagerie is welcome there. My heart would break if I couldn't keep *any* of my family together.

Wish me luck! (And no advice turned down.)
Make lists. Get a notebook, treat it like your Bible and make lists. We moved from Ohio to SD with 10 horses, 6 dogs, 14 cats, 3 kids, and two houses/garages of "stuff." Without lists, I swear I would have left myself behind.

Congrats on the new move, I'm just sorry about the reason for it.
good luck and good job jumping on a wonderful opportunity to get the heck out of there! I have no advise but I give you major props for what you are doing. :)
Things always work out when you least expect it. I'm sure you didn't think this offer was to come up when you where told to leave.

As you wish, I am sending you good vibes :)
Okay, moving list is started. I'm impressed that you got over 33 creatures of various types half way across the country Tunes! But 14 cats? I'm going bonkers fostering 2 of them!!!

Thanks everybody. I'm somewhat less frightened at this particular minute, but I'm sure that'll sneak back up on me at some later point. :) I think having a task at hand and stuff to plan helps me calm down and focus.

Now, to figure out where to scrounge up some boxes... :wacko:
Grocery stores, especially if you have small local ones, always have boxes. Ask them to hold them for you.
Good luck with your move. If you can't get enough boxes at the grocery store, have a look on craigslist. We always have people giving their boxes away on there after a move.
Good luck with the move :) Good vibes being sent your way.

As tunes said check grocery stores and also convenient stores. Also...renting a u-haul with a car dolly on the back might help you. A friend of the families moved her from Indiana and used a u-haul to get her and 3 kids belongs and themselves here and just hauled her car on the dolly. When she was done with it she just dropped it off at the nearest u-haul station.
Best wishes on your move!
Not to be a Debbie-Downer, but I'd suggest getting a contract from your friend. I've seen too many friendships go sour because one person didn't keep their end of the deal.
If you know anyone who works in an office ask them to save paper boxes for you. Paper boxes have nice lids and are simply awesome for moving.
Best of luck with the move! I agree, lists are a huge help!