Wow even the "stars" are stupid!

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
People is reporting Rhianna and Chris Brown are back together. Unbelievable! But I guess there will always be foolish women out there no matter how rich or famous you are.
I'm sure it was an accident and "it'll never happen again honey, I'm SO sorry."

<rolls eyes>
I read she is pregnant now..

And btw I think they are BOTH stupid. He for going back(for obvious reasons) and him for going back because she is the one that is pressing charges and "fully cooperating with the police." Why would I go be with someone who is against me.
If I was that famous, I'd go back to him for the sole reason of getting some nasty pictures and leaking them anonymously to the tabloids in an attempt to ruin his career.
Abusing a woman didn't ruin his career enough? Seriously though, if you're going to press charges, why the heck would you go back?
Well, if you think about it, R. Kelly has slept with several underage girls (one was 13?), been prosecuted, spent jail time, and his career seems to keep on progressing. I guess I shouldn't be surprised here either.
Abusing a woman didn't ruin his career enough? Seriously though, if you're going to press charges, why the heck would you go back?
No press is bad press. This little scandal is keeping both of their names in the headlines, which translates into sales. Once a star falls into obscurity, their sales go down. If people are always seeing your face in a magazine, they'll be much more receptive to it when they see if on a CD cover.
I'm sure it was an accident and "it'll never happen again honey, I'm SO sorry."

<rolls eyes>

Yep, flowers and candy, and then next time the same thing....and the next time...and so on. It is just sad that such a talented girl is not being a good role model in any way, and kids see this. It hurts herself and her fans.
Ok, I'm probably about to sound SO preachy, but I can't help myself. During college I was part of my campus' violence prevention program (everything from date rape to abusive relationships), and this is something that I feel pretty strongly about.

It's really easy for all of us to sit here and say she's stupid and to say we'd be out of there faster thank you could blink your eyes, but none of us are in that situation.

Victims of domestic violence sometimes return to their abusers many times before leaving for good. Unfortunately, some women are killed by their abusers before they leave for good. There are many reasons why a woman (or man...yes, it can happen to them too but often goes unreported) might stay with their abuser. It might seem absolutely crazy to us, but to that person it does not, OR they may think they have no other option. For instance (and I'm not saying this is what is going on in Rihanna's case), abusers will often isolate their victim from their friends and family. They will control whether they get to talk to them on the phone, whether they get to see them, etc. Even if the victim makes up her mind to leave, she may feel like she has no where to go and no one to turn to. I won't go into everything, but I would encourage people to look at the following two websites. There's a lot of good information on both.

There's more to an abusive relationship than meets the eye. Victims of domestic violence deserve compassion, not judgement and scorn.
Shayna, I might sympathize with her "neediness" if this was a different situation; but this is a very wealthy, very attractive girl. She's not staying with someone because she can't support herself. She's not living in a ghetto somewhere afraid to let her kids walk out the door. She can have a new boyfriend in about two seconds, go out on tour, move on with her life. If she's worried about him hurting her again, she can hire bodyguards that can kick his butt.

He didn't isolate her from her friends. He didn't isolate her from her family. All of the scenarios you are presenting simply hasn't happened in this case. Her parents are very active in her life, her brother wants to wipe the floor with this guy! I think someone said it very well earlier, "no publicity is bad publicity." Sadly, I think that's what this is all about. Keeping your names in the headlines.

I also definitely agree with Chantel. Way to role model for all those young girls who worship you. I find the whole situation just pathetic.
Shayna, I might sympathize with her "neediness" if this was a different situation; but this is a very wealthy, very attractive girl. She's not staying with someone because she can't support herself. She's not living in a ghetto somewhere afraid to let her kids walk out the door. She can have a new boyfriend in about two seconds, go out on tour, move on with her life. If she's worried about him hurting her again, she can hire bodyguards that can kick his butt.

He didn't isolate her from her friends. He didn't isolate her from her family. All of the scenarios you are presenting simply hasn't happened in this case. Her parents are very active in her life, her brother wants to wipe the floor with this guy! I think someone said it very well earlier, "no publicity is bad publicity." Sadly, I think that's what this is all about. Keeping your names in the headlines.

I also definitely agree with Chantel. Way to role model for all those young girls who worship you. I find the whole situation just pathetic.

That's why I said that that might not be what was going on in this case. There are NUMEROUS other reasons why women stay in abusive relationships: She might really love him, and want the relationship to work. She might think he will change. She might have extremely low self esteem and feel that she is worthless without him (and abusers can be great at reinforcing that idea :)). Just because she has money and fame doesn't mean she's immune to the psychological damage that an abusive relationship can inflict. Peggy, the fact that she has all the resources available to her that you mentioned AND YET she has chosen to stay with him, makes me think that he has one heck of a hold on her for whatever reason, and even if she makes the decision to leave him it will not be easy.

Is it a stupid thing to do, to stay with him? Yes. Is she doing it to keep her name in the headlines? That, I doubt. This has probably been going on awhile, and this happens to be the first time that he's left marks that are visible. Or, maybe this was the first time that he physically abused her. There are ways to abuse someone without ever laying a hand on them.

Although she is the only one who can make the decision to leave him, I hope that she has people around her that can provide her with the support she needs right now.

And now, I will step off my soapbox.
I think its hurting his career "radiowise." The only time I hear his music anymore is at work where we have a dj. But people still love him and will always buy his music. Now that its not playing every 2 seconds on every radios station (spanish and english) people are going to want to still stop and listen.. so they are going to go out and buy his cd.. or download it. He still gets money from that.
To the "no publicity is bad publicity" comment...

Look at Monica Lewinsky...
For what she did, she appeared on MTV, SNL, 20/20, and has her own line of purses or clothing, I believe.

If only she were to start selling her own line of 'blue dresses', she would be a multi-millionaire!
I think being a public star you automatically inherit the responsibility of being a good role model. Lots and lots of young girls look up to her and idolize her, and having her go back to an abusive man is not setting a good example for ANYONE, especially young kids. That being said, poor actions among young celebrities seems to be the new trend.. Lyndsey Lohan, Britney Spears, etc...
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