Would like to be a chin owner!

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New member
Jan 5, 2011
I have been wanting a chin for a while and after reading some of the comments it seems like a good breeder is where I should get one...I live in St Louis, MO and I would be interested in a young and friendly (likes to be held and petted) chinchilla. If anyone knows one or knows someone who may know one please let me know! Thanks!
Hello and welcome to CnH!

Like Laura said, chins are not cuddly creatures and you can't really hold and carry them around. There are the odd few that will tolerate it for some time, but usually they do not tolerate it for any more than a couple minutes if that.
For something so fluffy you'd think they would be a lot more cuddly huh?

If you don't mind traveling a bit Cathy Kane is located in KC and has chins with wonderful temperaments!
You know, I always tell Chichi, "You are so soft.... let me cuddle with you please???" She just gives me one of her stink eyes like, "Yeah..... right.. go away." LOL.

Good luck on getting your chinny..
Like stated, chins often do not tolerate a lot of handling. I have a chin who loves to be scritched and pet, and I can gently lay my head on her to snuggle, but she will not tolerate me pickng her up at all. It depends on the personality of the individual chin.

Hope you can find a super friendly chin. They really are great pets!
Trixie is like that too...she seems to like it when I carry her from her playroom back to her cage, but by the time we get to her cage, she is getting all anxious to get back into her cage.
But, Jade, do not let that discourage you. The can be fun pets, and affectionate in their own way.