Worried about Jasper

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Oct 17, 2011
Vacaville, California
We got Jasper almost 2 weeks ago. He's had soft poo on and off since we got him. I've been giving him Lifeline everyday and he's eating, drinking, chewing, playing, just had soft poo which I assumed was stress related.
Today we moved him upstairs because of our holiday company, poor little guy started shaking when they got here. I went up to check on him periodically through the day, in the beginning he was fine but now he's not moving. He didn't even move when I put my hand in the cage, he let me scoop him right up and hold him. I don't know if he's just startled from another move or maybe just exhausted from not being able to sleep but I'm worried.
I have a vet picked out for him but don't want to take him and put hin under more stress is its unnecessary. You're opinions would be great.
I think the shakiing with lethargy and on and off soft poo warrants a vet visit. My chins are calmer to and from the vet if I keep the carrier mostly dark and covered. Also, if u bring him in a towel or something that smells like him he might feel more familiar and safe
I see you have two chinchillas. IDK if they are cagemates, but if you do take Jasper to the vet, you should bring the cagemate with him.
They aren't cage mates, Jasper is in quarantine. He is pooping right now, they're soft but not as soft as some have been. He eats and drinks very well. He'll eat 1-2 handfuls of hay a day and almost his entire dish of pellets. We brought him back downstairs to his normal spot and he's not as lethargic anymore but still shaking when I put my hand in the cage.
Ok, I've emailed the vet to see if he gets it before they open tomorrow. I'm going to call when they first open tomorrow to at least talk to him to get his opinion. I haven't actually seen him but he came recommended via Forever Feisty Rescue's web page so hopefully he knows his chin stuff =/
I will. I just checked on him, poop is a little harder!! But still not where it's supposed to be. My poor baby =( At least he isn't lethargic anymore, that was the scariest thing I have ever experienced with a pet. Thank you for all you help, hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.
I pulled Jasper's pellet, good move or should I give them back to him?
Is there anything I can give him now to possibly make him feel better?
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hmmm. I have a boy who sometimes shakes when you put your hand in the cage because he dislikes being handeled if he feels unsettled. Tremors a bit. Usually if I give him a break and go back later he is okay, its only from time t time.
This is the first time he's done the tremors since the car ride home, he usually just plays keep away or starts crawling on my arm. He was acting so strange though, I mean I cradled him for almost 5 minutes and he didn't move. Now he's acting better that's he's back downstairs, took a twig from me, moving all around and is letting me give nose scritches. Just came out to eat some hay actually!
I've heard some chins play dead if they're scared enough...its possible the change in location frightened him enough.
That's what I think, because he's perfectly fine now, well, still slightly soft poo but not as bad as it was when he was upstairs, there's no discharge around the poo or anything (I'm on poop patrol). He's been taking his sweet time settling in as is, so I think uprooting him just completely freaked him out. He was freaking out with our guest here too, I thought bringing him up there was going to help, guess not =/
I think I'll still at least call the vet tomorrow, see what he says. I'm going to hold his pellets tonight as well, just in case.
Jasper update:
I have never seen him in this good of a mood... I got home at 7 from work and he's been out of his hidey house all night, never happened before. We were lucky to see him out to grab one piece of hay and run back into the house. He crawled all over my arm AND poo is rice like! At least the ones I picked up. We did a cage clean yesterday so it's all pretty new either way. Little man is playing away, it's great. We also gave him some fleece and he is LOVING it.
That vet never got back to me, via phone or email so I did a little more research and I found a vet clinic 5 minutes down the road from me with 2 vets that specialize in exotics/small mammals. Definitely going to give them a call to at least talk to them. Work was crazy today, taking x-rays on all these goons getting hurt Black Friday shopping LOL so I wasn't able to today, going to try tomorrow if time permits, if not, I'm off Monday and Tuesday, plenty of time then!