Wire mesh-bottomed cage

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Mar 15, 2014
Cambridge, England
Hello! I would really appreciate advice about my cage. I have a cage that has a wire mesh bottom. It has a metal tray which can either be placed underneath the wire mesh or that can be placed on top and filled with substrate material (sawdust, carefresh etc.). I have always placed the tray on top of the mesh but my chin is kicking out a lot of bedding material. I was wondering whether to put the tray underneath and to allow him to walk on the wire mesh. Is this safe for his feet?


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no. chinchillas have tiny toes and feet and it could get caught in the wire. plus, i doubt that would be comfortable for very long! if you must change what you're doing now... and need to put the tray underneath, i would ddefinately cover the wire mesh with fleece. it would make it a little more comfortable, and prevent feet from getting caught, while still allowing urine to fall thru the fleece to the bedding underneath.
I can't view the picture but wire flooring is quite safe if its small enough spacing. I use 1/2 inch by 1/r inch mesh. Any larger and they can get a foot stuck. It won't hurt their feet but make sure to provide a solid space (hammock or ledge) if they choose to get off the wire. Wire is much more hygienic and clean since they aren't sitting in their urine and limits the mess for you to clean.
Yes, I would put the wire on the top depending on the spacing of the wire. My chin had a cage that sounded like yours but the bar spacing was huge on the botton so we just secured some mesh on top to make the spacing smaller.