Wire floor question

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The floors of my multi-level cage are not the preferred spacing (1/2" x 1/2") but actually 1" x 1/2". Will be little chin be ok still? We're going to place wood over the upper level floors tomorrow but the one over the drop pan will have to be exposed still.
Thanks a lot!
Its not a risk I would take. The chins foot could get stuck and with all the pulling chins do when scared a leg could be broken. Also you are going to want to put Something down on the bottom as your chin will probably like to run about there. It doesn't have to cover the whole bottom just a marble tile, a fleece pillow, or plank of pine so as the chin can rest its feet.

Also, and this is simply my opinion!
1/2" space wire in any direction still sounds large to me. I would just be so scared of my girls breaking legs or loosing toes. I resently lined the floor of my cages with ceramic tile. I just use a mini broom and dust pan in the evenings to sweep up all the poops. And the girls are really good about using their peep pans. Its alot easier and makes sure there is no smell.
No, it isn't safe. A chin can end up with a broken leg from 1"x1/2" wire spacing on floors and shelves. 1/2"x1/2" is safe and the chins legs won't slip through. The 1"x1/2" is just a little too large...I'd take the shelves out and either replace them with wood or 1/2"x1/2". I've done this many times with cages that come in with rescues or are donated, refurbishing them to make them safe is always a good idea.
Ditto. Absolutely replace the floor with 1/2" x 1/2" or you could end up with an injured chinchilla. You also need to make sure to provide a solid surface, like Eveningchin said, for your baby to rest his feet.
When I first started, I got wired floor cages and worried - went to the hardware store and got 1/4 x 1/4 hardware screen and covered all shelves and ramps! Lasted over 5 years so far, with no problems! That size is perfect for "tic - tacs" to fall through, too!
I just cut it a little big, and wrapped the edges around, and squeezed with pliers!
my cage has 1" by 1/2 " wire for the sides but all the shelves are wood. Is this dangerous for getting a foot stuck too? What is the recommended size for sides?
The sides really seem to just need to contain the chins. I've never had a problem with 1"x1/2" all the way up to 1"x2" for the sides and top of the cage. Shelves and floors are a problem mostly because as the chins sleep their feet can slip through the floor, possibly swell slightly and when the chin is startled or goes to jump somewhere the leg is caught and can be broken. It wouldn't necessarily be so dangerous if it was a one level cage, but the cages with several levels that have a place for the chin to fall would pose a problem. The wire spacing on the sides doesn't seem to present the same problems at all.
So I am in the process of fitting ceramic tiles on all the flooring, with the exception of the ramps connecting the different levels - for that I think I'm going to get hardware cloth and cover those. My question now is, for the very bottom floor that is above the drop pan, should I cover that with tile or just with the hardware cloth? Opinions?

I was in a hurry last night and couldn't really fill you guys in on the whole story.
I came across this beautiful little girl at a garage sale from some people who have bred chins. She is three months old, and has been handled frequently apparently - incredibly calm. The family also had old rabbit cages, several levels with connecting ramps, so I snagged one because it was very open for her and for $35, quite a deal.

So really, just looking for some new enrichment ideas, shelter ideas, pretty much any suggestions would be appreciated!

Thanks so much!
I also have 1 x whatever is best pine covering about 20-30% of the shelves on the wire bottoms - seems they'll "do their business" over the wire rather than on the wood!
I've a male that poops ONLY on the left side, and pees on the right! Wish they were all so predictable!
You don't need ramps at all. Add ledges for too big gaps, but the 10" range between shelves is easily navigated. My rule of thump- leave two routes to any destination and chins need twice as much space to come down as they do to go up (comfortably).
You could just remove the wire floor that is on the bottom. Ihave done this myself and it is not a problem. I have also removed the ramps and replaced all wire shelves with wood.