Winter time and my chi chi's

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2012
Lexington KY
I know winter is coming up and I am concerned with the heat and my babies. I have always kept my apartment very cool since I got them in the summer time. I still havent turned on my heat and its almost mid November in KY! I was just wondering if someone could please share how warm they keep their homes in the winter with chins?? I dont want them to freak out when I turn the heat on because they are really never been exposed to any heat. I have them in the living room and I have central air and heat. The vent is not close to their cage at all but I am still kind of worried..Thanks again :temp:
We have central heat and it varies in the winter from 60 to 70 degrees in our house. They seem fine at temps up to 75, but I wouldn't go above that.
I just have to note that chi chi's is slang for something else and all I could do is laugh when I read the title...

Heat should be fine just keep it set lower so they can tolerate it. I usually keep mine in my office but the wood stove is in the basement so they're traveling to another room for the winter where it's cooler! :D
I always say that chins make the perfect pets for "Middle Aged Babes" like me -- we both like it COLD!!!

I spend a fortune in the summer on AC, but in the winter, I rarely have it set higher than 70 because I enjoy wearing fleece and cashmere and being comfortable. I don't think that the chins would object to even 60 or so -- they have on fur coats and they do have fleece cuddle cups and tubes in which to snuggle. I set the thermostat to come on if it gets below 60 when I'm gone, but it's never too cold.
I keep mine at 60 usually and not above 65. It saves on the oil bill and keeps the chinchilla comfortable. The cat seems to not mind too lol
We never turn the heat on in the house, but the living room has a woodstove we keep going all winter. We don't let it get above 75 in that room, and all the other rooms in the house stay a bit cooler than that. Needless to say, our chin isn't in the living room. So keep the thermostat at a lower setting for central heating, and if you burn wood, keep your chin in a different room and have a temp gauge in the chin room so you know that the temp is always appropriate.