Willow product

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I just got some new willow toys for my chinchilla, they are purchased from : http://www.hyperdrug.co.uk/Willow-Toy-Carrot/productinfo/WILLOWCR/

They have quite a big strange smell---like medicine, wonder if that the smell of aspirin:hmm: How can I make that smell disappear??

There are "fur" on the edge, and when I extracted it off, it's like a seed...anyone know what is that??

Thank you~


Okay..I know this is going to sound bad but I'm almost positive that furry seed thing is called a "pussy willow" you might want to look online to check, but I might not give those seeds to your chin!;)
Aspirin used to be made from the bark of the white willow tree. That's probably why you are smelling the "medicine" smell. (Today's aspirin is made from coal tar!)

I have to say, based on the photo, that it doesn't look anything like the "willow" chew items we have here in the United States... I would probably play it safe and not use it.
I'd email the maker and ask what type of willow it is. As far as I know, no willow is toxic to chins - even pussy willows.
Thank you for all of your reply~

Sarah999: Thanks for giving me the name of that kind of willow, it does look like pussy willow, I have done some research for it, it's black willow, seems similar to the white willow.
I did read somewhere that only white willow was safe, but I've also read that any kind of willow is safe.

I don't know, personally I wouldn't use it.
Inspected all the stuffs from the parcel...well...the scent should come from the disinfectant tablets....:)