Will my chin ever snuggle?

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New member
Nov 8, 2011
I am a new chin owner! Very proud of my pretty girl I might add! I have been looking at many of the threads here and many people have VERY different opinions on how snuggly chins can be. Some people carry them around in pouches and some say they pet and play with theirs, but others say chins don't like to be cuddled. What are your thoughts?
Some people like chocolate, some don't. Some cats like to sit in your lap, others don't. Chins are individuals too. Some will enjoy being snuggled and others will not. It just depends on the chin. Yours may become more affectionate as you spend more time with her.

Also, IMO, I'm not real sure that "enjoy" is the word for chins shoved into pouches. Chins like to hide, and a pouch is just another place to hide. I'm sure there are people though who will insist that chins love being in a warm, stuffy pouch, when we constantly state that chins need to be kept cool and not overheated.
WHOOOAAAA!!!! People don't like chocolate? Are you sure?

Other than the chocolate issue, I agree with Pegs...
Not all chins will snuggle. I have 2 that can care less about snuggle time and 2 that will tolerate it for only so long. Since your chin is still trying to get to know you, just be patient and she may come around.
Thanks for the thoughts! I am going to take it slow with Wydah and let her set the tone! (And I don't believe anyone doesn't like chocolate either)
Hate to say this but I tolerate chocolate. Lots of other flavors I enjoy more. Sorry to get off the subject. I agree with Pegs also on the cuddling subject.
Been with my boys for over 6 years now, while Gumby likes to sit on my lap during playtime, still go crazy when I try to pick him up, Elmo still doesn't even tolerate more than 5mins of petting.
So yea, every chin is different.
I dun know anyone who doesn't like chocolate either @_@
I'm not a huge fan of chocolate myself. Ill eat it if its around, but nothing i would go purposely get rly.

The chin pouch thing never made Any sense to me. Maybe because I'm just used to the attitude of my chins. And their is no chance of them going into one of them. Even attempting it would be foolish lol.

As for cuddling, yea, every chin is different. None of mine rly like to cuddle up. I have one guy that loves getting his stomach scratched, but if u tried to hold him or pick him up, he would freak. (And due to that he gets highly defensive if u even touch the back half of his body cause he will think pick up is next.) Then i have a male that doesn't even want to be touched at all anymore through the bars. But if you open the door and reach in, he'll mess around with you a little.

I have two girls that will let you pet them through bars a lot, providing their not moody or tired. If they are they will either run away from you or aggressively charge at you.
And their mother who used to never ever wanna be touched or petted, after 3 kids, now is becoming quite a personable chin, letting you pets her and what not.

So not only are all chins different, but each chin can have different personalities with in them selves depending on certain factors. Just gotta give the time and attention to learn each chins likes and dislikes.
As for cuddling, yea, every chin is different. None of mine rly like to cuddle up. I have one guy that loves getting his stomach scratched, but if u tried to hold him or pick him up, he would freak. (And due to that he gets highly defensive if u even touch the back half of his body cause he will think pick up is next.)

Mine kinda does this too. When you touch his back half mine kind of squeaks and jumps a bit.. is that what yours does?