Will he get stressed?

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Sep 12, 2014
I'm getting a chinchilla the 18th of october. My parents are separated and we're going to have 2 cages, one at my dad's house and one at my mom's apartment.
My question is, will he get stressed if I move him each week?
I will first get him hand tamed before I move him his first time.

Thankful for every answer!
I would think it would be stressful- usually any move is. Animals don't understand temporary moves, and he'll likely be confused he keeps being taken from his home-even to go to a different one. Eventually he may understand it, but it's likely going to be an issue for a while.
I really don't think it will be too stressful especially if the cage is the same in both places. When you move the chin take his/her favorite things - like the hidey house and wooden toys. I would even take a little of the same bedding he is using (put in a plastic bag) so he/she smells himself (so it is the smell of home). Chins adjust pretty well with the same smells and the same people he/she is used to.
I really don't think it will be too stressful especially if the cage is the same in both places. When you move the chin take his/her favorite things - like the hidey house and wooden toys. I would even take a little of the same bedding he is using (put in a plastic bag) so he/she smells himself (so it is the smell of home). Chins adjust pretty well with the same smells and the same people he/she is used to.

that would definately help-i didnt think about a same set-up. fabrics hold scent well- so if he has a cuddle pillow to move with him too that'd be good.
My boys were fine with moving from my house to my mom's between school semesters. They adjusted just fine to different cages and everything else. I think chins get a bad rap for being super sensitive to stress, but it's just not always true.
You might get the exact same cages and set them up the same. While getting him hand tamed, let him spend time in each cage so his scent is in the cage (on the wheel, hammocks, shelves, etc). Then the first time you take him to the other house take one of the cages with you, then leave it there.

That way his scent is in both cages from the beginning of each move. Might be a little more complicated for you this way, but might make it easier on him.
You might get the exact same cages and set them up the same. While getting him hand tamed, let him spend time in each cage so his scent is in the cage (on the wheel, hammocks, shelves, etc). Then the first time you take him to the other house take one of the cages with you, then leave it there.

That way his scent is in both cages from the beginning of each move. Might be a little more complicated for you this way, but might make it easier on him.
I'll do whatever I can to make him happy!