Will he always seem to be scared?

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New member
Mar 17, 2011
anyone have any advice for the following scenario?
My chin's name is charlie. My ex-bf got him for me two christmas's ago as a gift and charlie lived with him until about February of 2010. From there forward he was relocated to my house. I don't have an honest idea of how old he is but I have had him for over a year. He comes up to my hand when in the cage and nibbles on it/puts his paws on my hand. But the moment I try to pick him up he starts running around like crazy. When he is out of the cage he has no problem climbing all over me, shoulders, head, lap etc. He never barks at me and has never bitten anyone. He even lets me scratch his chin, but petting him is out of the question. I just don't understand why after a year he will not let me pick him up or pet him after so long. Do you think he will always be like that? Anything I could do at this point to try and work with him on his evasiveness? I feel like he wants to trust me more most of the time he just has something holding him back. I just fear something so bad must have happened to him that he will never be able to allow me to. =(
I have a chin who acts almost like how you describe your chin. She has improved somewhat over the past year but she still will not let anyone grab her or touch her body (only her face & chin). I avoid grabbing her to pick her up since she does not like it. She will bite and spray urine. I usually put my arms in front of the cage and let her come out onto my arms. I think they associate hands touching them with something bad. Just give Charlie time to trust you. You can spend some time in front of his cage talking to him. Also just put your hands in there and let him investigate them (without trying to grab him), and give him some pellets and hay by hand.
That is just some chins' personality. Neither of my chins are big on being picked up or held, but will take scratches around the head and under the chin.
sounds normal to me. out of my 9 boys, only 3 will jump into my arms or simply allow me to pick them up. the other 3 will allow it but are not too thrilled and the last 3 are comeplete spazzes and i usually have to transport them to playtime in a box or house that they go and run into.
I allow all four of mine to come to me. Maia and Buddha (mother and son) both hate when I touch their backs or pick them up, while Boji and Nixi (Father and daughter) are completely fine with it. Boji and Nixi were both handfed, so I tend to wonder if that had anything to do with it.

I've been working with Buddha a lot and have found that if I form a platform with my hands, palms down, he'll jump right up. It took a few weeks, but we started to make a game out of the jump up/jump down motion while he was still in his cage. A few weeks later, I was able to coax him into standing on one hand while I formed a wall with the other for him to balance on. Now, I can pull him out of the cage and hold him against me. Of course, he still launches for my shoulder if given the opportunity.
Fonzie isn't really thrilled with being picked up either. What I've been doing is sitting in front of his cage, on the floor so I seem smaller. Then I lay my hand in there and watch TV and completely ignore him. He eventually comes over, licks & nibbles my hands and sits on them. Recently, he has been running up and down my arm & even explored my hair a little bit! This has already helped him get use to me more in just 2 weeks, so I hope it will help you as well :)) I've come to realize, patience is key with these little guys!
your Charlie sounds a lot like my Rhino, except that Rhino lets me pet him all over, as long as i don't make a motion to pick him up. if i do, he's off like a rocket across the room during playtime, or hopping to a further away shelf in his cage.

Rhino really dislikes being picked up, although he will be calm and hold still after a moment. i guess he's saying to himself 'might as well relax, the human isn't going to let me go until i do', lol. i do make a habit of not letting him go while he is struggling, since that probably will teach him that having a hissyfit results in him getting his way/getting away. i don't hold him tight, and am very careful with his bone structure, particularly the ribs. once he relaxes in my hands i give him scritches with my index finger and croon 'good Rhino'. i'm just happy Rhino isn't a biter when he's ticked, lol, because the soft part between my thumb and forefinger is usually within teeth range when i hold him.

all chins are different in personality and what they will allow you to do. your Charlie may just be one of those that doesn't like being petted on the back. took Rhino a bit before i could do that either, but now i'm able to stroke him from his nose all the way to the tip of his tail.

what we need to remember is that chins are prey animals and to them, we must look like a large predator sometimes. when those big claws (your hands) are reaching towards him, escape from being eaten is most likely on his mind, even though that is the furthest from our intentions.
Homer will let me pick him up, but isnt happy about it. Gus gets VERY upset of I try to pick him up, but if I use a small towel to cover my hands and then pick him up, he doesnt mind.