Wii anyone?

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RAF Chins
Feb 1, 2009
Cambria County, PA
Okay, long story short...I'm having bariatric surgery early next year to lose weight. My doctor and I have agreed that it's the best route at this time. SO, I have two infants...and especially during the winter months, getting out of the house to exercise will be difficult. I was wondering if anyone is familiar with the Wii exercise programs, if they really give you a good enough work out, and which one's you'd recommend. I don't have a Wii so I'm not familiar with how well they actually function...I mean, it LOOKS good on TV, but do they really work? Thanks for the input.
I don't have a Wii, but I do remember hearing on the news the other week that the Wii isn't really all it's made out to be in terms of exercising.

I looked up some articles online, so here's some reading for you.
I'm sure it's better than nothing, but I think working out at a facility using machines which give you resistance is going to work much better. Whether or not this is feasible for you or not though is another issue.


I have the Wii Fit and I really enjoy using it. I felt like it gave me a workout to the extent I was looking for: definately an elevated heart rate and out of breath, muscles were sore the next day. But not sure that it was enough to tone muscles or lose weight. It measures your weight and BMI at the beginning of each workout and although I'm not sure how accurate it was, but it can still be motivating.

Disclaimer: I don't have a gym membership so I don't have much to compare it to. I'm not overweight, but also don't exercise for exercising's sake. I have to trick myself, gardening, hiking, etc. My point being that I am perhaps the wrong person to give advice!
I've heard really good things about the Wii Fit and the exercise program. I know there was an article with several different people losing weight in different ways, and the two top losers were ones who used Wii Fit and DDR (I can believe that!). DDR will work your butt off. My kids flop to the floor afterwards, wanting to die.
DDR works your butt off like crazy. I am still sad hubby sold the playstation 2 and bought a ps3. Because of that I lost my DDR and dance pads. I'll get them back one of these days.

While Wii fit will work you out, the cardio you get on DDR is amazing. There is also a workout mode on there. You can get a ps2 for about $50 now, and get the pads and the game really, really cheap.
I've played both Wii Fit and DDR and I agree, DDR is definitely the way to go if you want to lose some pounds! Plus, you look cool because you get good at it ;)

I wasn't really happy with Wii Fit...it gave me a bit of a work out but not enough for me to feel like I would be losing weight because of it.
The regular Wii Sports can be a workout... like boxing... gads! You don't have to limit yourself to the ones that say "fitness" on the box. Make it fun... how about the new Tony Hawk skateboard bundle :)
I've heard good things about Wii Fit but don't know anyone who has it. DDR works your butt off and improves your balance and coordination, we still play it. It is much more fun if you have someone else to compete against, and the last four latest ones count your calories and such too.
i agree with everything everyone said! lol

i have the wii fit & ddr.
the ddr is actually really fun and it gets you sweating and it has an exercise mode.

the wii fit is great for keeping track of your weight and bmi and is ok for beginners.
but i am not sure you will get a great workout. however it is fun and they do have many new options and programs that you can try.
it may be a good option if you are heavy or new to exercising or have other younger children that can use it.
also if you dont have the original wii, you would have to buy that plus wii fit plus the games.
if you have the wii system, they do have plenty of regular 'games' that can be effective, Boxing was mentioned. they have wii winter sports and i think they have a new Dance game that might be fun.
also if money is tight and you do not have any of the game systems.......i called my mom this morning and she was working out to some program on TV, she said "oh good you caught me during a commercial!" she was very out of breath. you could also buy a exercise dvd. or if you stil have a vcr you can get tapes for like 1 dollar!
The Wii exercise programs only work if you do them regularly, just like any other exercise program. My mom lost 10 lbs using Wii Fit for 30-45minutes a day for 3 months. She was also in competition with my brother to get high scores and unlock new games on it so she would challenge the trainers and actually work a little harder than just playing the game.

If you are looking for inexpensive my cousin swears by 10minute abs or 8 minute abs or whatever its called and he just youtubes it.
The Wii is more like active fun/light exercise, imo. It's probably a good tool if you're beginning to exercise. Also, if you have young kids, the Wii system would double as entertainment for them too. You can probably amp up the Wii Fit by using lightweight hand weights and ankle weights (velcroed weights). It is a lot of fun, but I feel that to get a decent workout, you still need something else.

If you have library access, they usually have a section of DVDs/videos of workouts/exercise techniques (like pilates & yoga) you can do at home.

A mix of cardio and mild weight-lifting/resistance exercise is what I've been trying to adhere too. My local YMCA has a great facility and also offer free exercise classes. So, that might be an option if there's a YMCA center near you. I know you said it might be hard for you to get out, but if you can, sometimes getting out of the house 1X week (personal alone time) for a workout aerobics class is nice.

Also, it helps you have a workout partner to help you keep on track.
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I agree, if you're going to work out, you may want to add some hand and ankle weights just to make it harder. The more resistance you have, the better the results.

I also work out at my local YMCA 3 times a week. It's amazing what working out can do for your body. Even if money is tight, many have a scholarship program that will allow you to join. I know mine does, and they say they won't turn anyone away. So the assistance is based on need. Mine also has a little daycare area for people who are working out, so if you need to go during the day, someone would be able to watch your kids. Otherwise you could go while dad is off and can watch them.

It's important to keep track of what you're doing so that you know that you're getting better and continue to work harder. You wouldn't need a personal trainer, just a notebook would work.
If you already have a Wii, they have DDR for it. That's what my kids have.
Thanks for all the suggestions and "ratings" on Wii :) A quick question...I have a PS2...what is DDR? Oh, wait, it just dawned on me...it's dance dance revolution or something like that right? As far as workouts...I'm not new...I've been overweight most of my teenage years and all of my adult life. I've tried many structured diets as well as diet and exercise...I didn't see too much of a result with either though I did feel better. I don't think the exercise needs to be extreme to begin with as I will mostly be working to tone to begin with and then maintain afterwards...I just wanted some creative ideas for around the house as A: money is tight for gym membership and B:getting out is often difficult due to the babies :) But I am no stranger to what is involved...I had gym membership for years...just needed a new routine due to the babies. On the plus side, I may check into the local gyms to see if any have a "needs based" membership...as I do occasionally like to get out. I've also heard that many insurances now help cover gym costs. Anyhow, thanks for all the great ideas and keep em coming!
I have a PS2...what is DDR? Oh, wait, it just dawned on me...it's dance dance revolution or something like that right?

Yup! You can get them second hand for pretty cheap now, even the new one with a mat is $30. Best part is that you are very entertaining for anyone happening to watch, and kids often like to join in when they get older.
my ddr is for PS2 not wii and it works just fine. they also have a dancing with the stars one out.
as spoof said the used ones are pretty cheap, check gamestop or one of those type places they have a ton of used/traded in games. they also have an online store that i think they are offering free shipping on any order over 25.
I have a friend who does the ultimate fighting thing and he laughed at my wii fit, and basically said it's a gaming system, not a weight loss system. I worked the fit for two months with no results of weight loss. I've heard that the julliane (? ) one is supposed to work you good though.

I want DDR...
I love my Wii.

I have the wii fit, jillians michaels and also the wii active (with trainer bob greene). All 3 are good, I don't really care for jillians too much, it's last years game and I know she has a new one for 2010 and I guess the new one is better. As far as giving you a work out, I think it depends mostly on how much you put into it just like any other program. You can make the work out harder on yourself to give you a better work out or you can just play it to have fun. Good luck with your surgery and weight loss.