Why is pregnant Chin eating her poop?

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2011
Renton, Wa
My female is very pregnant and is sitting in her hideyhouse eating her poop. There is plenty of good food for her just outside her door. Is it a way to keep her house clean for the babies? Am going to put some pellets in front of her to see if that gets her to stop.
Chins eating their poop is perfectly normal. They all do it; you probably just never noticed it before. She will be fine and it will not harm the kits.
Is she eating it right from the anus? If so they are called cecotropes are not poo. Most of the nutrients are not absorbed the first time a chin eats its feed, so the cecotropes are produced so the chins can eat the feed again and get more of the nutrition from it.
Yes, she is eating it right from her anus. Very interesting fact. Wish my horses would do that too, would cut down on my feed bill.
My chins do it too..i just ignore it. A lot small animals eat their own pooh for vitamins. :p

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