Why is my male chin doing this?

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
My 2year old chin all of a sudden is sometimes peeing outside of his cage which he hasn`t done in the past and goes back to the same area. Also he seems to be peeing when I`m petting him also kind of like maybe he thinks I`m his mate? He comes and goes inside of his cage when he wants as I have a large fenced in area in my computer room. He is the only chin I have and have had him since he was a few months old.I use kiln dried shavings for him and his cage is always quite clean, maybe some suggestions?:hair:
How are you cleaning up the area outside of the cage where he's peeing? He may be able to smell where he last peed and so is going to go there again. You can get cleaners that take away the smell also, which may help a bit with him peeing. However one of my girls will occasionally go outside the cage, it's just what she does.