why is it bad for pet store bought chins to not breed?

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If you do a search, this has been asked and answered 100s of times. The short story is, you have no health history. You have no way of knowing if the chin carries any kind of disease like malocclusion. You also have no idea if you are purchasing brother and sister, mother and son, etc. The odds are slimmer on that, but it could happen depending on where you bought your chins.
!o history on parents colors, relations or genetic health issues. For almost the same amount you would spend at most pet stores you can get quality bred chins with pedigrees and breed right.
Pet store prices... last time I picked up some chilly food petsmart had a standard grey for 150$, from a breeder you could get a pedigree animal that you know doesnt carry gentic faults like heart issues or malo and probably save 40$ to boot. Plus you can have them show you the ropes, explain how to judge high quality characteristics, ect. No reason to get petstore chins for breeding. :thumbsup:
I don't think I'd say prices have anything to do with it. To be honest, for a good standard you can pay over $200. Many breeders sell pet quality animals and just because it's cheaper than a pet store doesn't mean it's breeding quality.

Would you breed two puppies you got from an animal shelter? I'd hope most people would say no and I'd consider breeding two pet store animals the same.
from a breeder you could get a pedigree animal that you know doesnt carry gentic faults like heart issues or malo and probably save 40$ to boot.

I disagree with that. Any breeder who can guarantee these things is a liar. You can get an animal that you know more about it's history and LIKELYHOOD of having anything you need to watch for. What you get at a pet store are animals that come from breeders who just breed to produce animals, with no concern of quality, health, or temperament, or the cull kits out of a breeders herd, the animals they don't think will be good enough quality to show or sell for breeders. You're not going to get a top quality animal from a pet store and why produce poor quality animals when there is enough of them waiting for homes in rescues?
I disagree with that. Any breeder who can guarantee these things is a liar. You can get an animal that you know more about it's history and LIKELYHOOD of having anything you need to watch for. What you get at a pet store are animals that come from breeders who just breed to produce animals, with no concern of quality, health, or temperament, or the cull kits out of a breeders herd, the animals they don't think will be good enough quality to show or sell for breeders. You're not going to get a top quality animal from a pet store and why produce poor quality animals when there is enough of them waiting for homes in rescues?

You said it perfect Riven.