I was thinking about posting a thread yesterday, but I waited to see if anyone else would. Congratulations to the Saints for their first Superbowl win!!!!!! )
I don't normally watch football but I usually watch the Super Bowl for the commercials. I got sucked into the game. It was a great game and I'm glad the Saints won, too.
It was an excellent game throughout. Very close game until the end, and very fun to watch. The Colts played well, but the Saints played better! What a great and well deserved victory for them.
yea and all that bs about no tail gateing in miami and bla bla bla well everyone from new orleans did it ANYWAYS because there were just to many people to stop it from happening lol it was a 15 to 1 ratio of saints fans to colts fans for the superbowl...can you believe that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!