Whitish milkly stuff on tray and drop of blood

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Mar 16, 2011
Harrisburg PA
Im not relay sure how to discribe this, but before i let my girls out to run while i clean their cage, i noticed a few of their wooden ledges had what looked like a single drop of dried blood on them. Each ledge had only one spot on it. I thoughy maybe one of them hurt their paw/foot.


But when i let them out and i was cleaning their cage, their was one spot on the bottom tray of my FN cage, directly in front of the two doors, where i noticed something. It was like a whitish milky stuff half dried on the floor. It looked almost like the consistency of human flem kinda. I have never see this before from my chins.

These pics arnt the best but their the best i can get now. And its the day after their sand bath theirs sand all over the floor. Plus i was in the middle of sweeping the tray clean.



I should also point out that the ledges I saw the drops on, were direcly in line with that stuff on the tray. As if soemthing happened their, and they hopped up the ledges right after.


The cage it happened in has three females in their. Mother and two daughters. The two daughters were born feb 11, 2011 so their about 11 months old now. And one of them seems to have some soft poop that i just noticed today.

After i got the girls back in their cage i let my boys in the other cage out. And they were overly active. And extremly vocal. Their usaly very quite. But the were both vocial as heck today. And the father chin was cleaning him self shortly after being put back in his cage.

fyi: Two cages, females in one, males in another. Cages next to each other but with a few inches between them. And due to my fathers seizures problems i have to make sure he cant even see the females EVER. Other wise he could have problems. So since they were seperated a long time ago, there has been a large card board slab attached to the side of the girls cage so the boys could not see or get to them. And about a month or so ago i changed that over to fleece.

I honestly dont know what to make of it. I dont even no which of the three females this is from. The three of them are all acting normaly.
also point out that my two guys have been highly energetic since being put back in their cage, vocal as well. And its been like an hour or so. Theyve never done that. Their also 'cleaning themselves' several times. My younger male (the son) is a bit agressive as well. Chewing the bars like crazy and a small scuffel with daddy. Right now the two floors of their cage are seperated so they both can have some alone time. Just to make sure nothing bad happens for now.

The mess was found in the girls cage, but its the males acting diffrent. Maybe one of the girls cycle or semething? I dont relay know anyhting about that aspect of the female chins, so im not sure.
That goo/light colored "blood" is in the realm of normal fluids a female releases when she's in a good strong heat.

I find those things on occasion as well with females not in breeding. Real blood on wood is very, very dark. I'm not sure what causes the watery looking stuff. The white goo is a natural plug they seem to form and pass on occasion.
That goo/light colored "blood" is in the realm of normal fluids a female releases when she's in a good strong heat.

I find those things on occasion as well with females not in breeding. Real blood on wood is very, very dark. I'm not sure what causes the watery looking stuff. The white goo is a natural plug they seem to form and pass on occasion.

I was relay hopeing that was the case.

Not only did i not want anything wrong with my girls, but i won my social security dissabiliy hearing, but i wont receive my benefits for a month or two more. So i cant afford to take one, much less three to a vet. (Of course i would, and theyll simply have to deal with sending me a bill)

If it is a heat thing, i guess ill keep my males seperated for a little bit then. Just to make sure they dont hurt each other untill they calm down.

Is their any way to tell which female it is? I have three in that cage and have no clue who. They are all acting normal.
I have seen some sticky goo/pee in my females' cage before. I know that there are certain times that Tribble gets VERY vocal and starts cleaning himself quite a bit. On top of that, I have seen him get very excited with his cuddle buddy during this time. Sometimes the girls even start getting vocal too. I feel bad, especially for Tribble, during these times... lol
When I only had Boji and Maia, I left them with my parents while I was travelling for work for a few days. I returned to find puddles of a milky white discharge all over the shelves of Maia's cage. Maia was noticably upset, very vocal and incredibly active, just as you described. She made what I now call "the worried sound" from the moment I walked through the door until the moment we were in the car on the way to the emergency vet. The emergency vet suspected pyometra and gave me some Baytril to hold her over until I could see my vet (the next day). My vet thought it might be the early stages of pyometra as well...swollen vulva, discharge, fever, etc. They cut the dose of the Baytril down (emergency vet prescribed a bit too much) and told me to keep her on the Baytril for 10 days. She went off her feed within 24 hours, so I had to handfeed Critical Care for the duration of the treatment. She pulled through fine, but my vet thought that was only because we caught it in time. So, regardless of what it "might" be, if their behavior is off and there's discharge in the cage, I'd be at the vet already.