Whiteboard ledges?

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New member
Apr 2, 2014
I went to Lowes today to get some pine to make ledges for my boys and when asking the guy helping me he said that whiteboard was the same as the pine they had across the isle but was cheaper. He said the one labeled as pine was more expensive because it didn't have knots and such in it and directed me to the whiteboard one and told me it was kiln dried. So I trusted him and got that one and went home and hubby made a few ledges and we put them in their cage. I have read conflicting things some say whiteboard is ok but some say it has to be just the kind labeled pine so I'm not sure if I should take the ledges out and go get the other board or if these ones are fine?
Their whitewood is a combination of a couple different woods. Most of the time it is regional woods such as pine, fir, poplar and simular stuff. The boards are all one type of wood and if you learn to read the stamp you can make sure it is pine. The saw mills generally will rip simular woods in batches so that becomes whitewood. Either read the lumber stamp or look at the grain pattern and you will be fine.
Thanks! Hubby looked at it and said he was almost positive it was pine so we should be good :)