white ebony chin a bad breed?

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New member
Mar 9, 2011

I was wondering if someone could help me out. I am going to look at a white ebony on Wednesday,which is quite beautiful, grey with white swirl markings, and when I was google searching the breed I read that if someone says they have an ebony mosaic to run the other way, this is a bad breed with bad genetics and the chin will not have a long life. Is this true? and is a white ebony the same thing as an ebony mosaic? thanks in advance.
There would be nothing more wrong with an ebony mosaic than any other chinchilla. It depends on what is in their background (health history). I encourage you to do your research...is the breeder known & responsible? Does the chinchilla have a pedigree?

And yes, it is still just a mosaic, but many breeders will denote it is an ebony mosaic so that the buyer knows there is ebony in the genes.
I think whoever said ebony mosaic is a bad breed got confused about the lethal genes and are thinking ebony (instead of black) and white bred together will be unhealthy. It is incorrect in several ways.

There are no health concerns breeding a white to an ebony, or within a white ebony.
I have had several white ebonies here over the years...Sometimes people learn incorrect information and then pass it on as knowledge.
White ebony chinchillas are absolutely fine, and quite beautiful. But like said above, make sure 100% the person you are getting the chin from is a credible breeder who isn't just putting a male and female together and calling themselves a breeder. There can be many many health concerns when breeding pet store chins or rescued chins. Make sure you have them give you the pedigree information on the parents as well as the kit.

But this goes for any chinchilla, not just a white ebony. I don't know where that person got their information, lol.
Awesome, thanks so much everyone, I was really getting nervous. I will definitely ask for their pedigree info. I knew that sounded strange to me.