When to introduce playtime?

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Well-known member
May 23, 2011
Cohoes, NY
So my 2 new girls have been with me for about 6 weeks now. But I have yet to have Lily the mom out for playtime. She will come up to my hands and even put her paws on me and let me pet her.
They are on top of the FN so to take her out for playtime I would have to pick her up. She does not act scared of me but if it looks like I am going to pick her up she runs. I don't want to scare her but feel like she would like to come out of the cage.

Should I just scoop her up or wait until she will let me?

How do you guys get your chins from the top of the FN to the floor?

Of course Delilah even runs from me when I try to pick her up and she loves me.
put the dust house in the cage, wait for the chin to jump in it, then cover the hole with your hand and remove the dust house from the cage. this method works to get chins back in the cage too, at least until they figure out that dusting means end of play time, lol!