When Making Ledges..lots of Q's

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Ok, so I saw a recent post under the supplies for ledges, and they look rather simple to make with the correct saws. (they looked to be made of tree branches)

I KNOW my cousin would be happy to saw some wood up for the chinnies, to make ledges. cause that gives him the chance to get in to play with them. He is in love with them!!

I would like some natural & some made out of 2X6's.

I know when doing 2X6's, I need to buy kiln-dried, untreated.

Now, when doing natural..how do a make those chinny safe?

I believe I read, boiled & baked? DO i just put them in boiling water? how long?

To bake..put them in our oven? How long & what temp?

Anyone have a quick reference for safe/unsafe woods (maybe a link I am overlooking?) that I can use when doing this?

I would like to save as much $$ as possible being that I have 5 cages (soon to be 6) and I would like to make them all really nice with lots of leaping/nap spots! :)

Thanks in advance! ;)
Thanks for the links, I figured there was a thread, and I was overlooking it!!
Keep in mind to vary the sizes of your ledges. Some of my chins spend a ton of time using their smaller 1x4 ledges. Easy to make as well since you can cut the 1x4 to about 5 inches long, then cut another 1.5 inch piece off the board your working with to give it a "poop" catching edge. Put some wood glue (elmers) and clamp it for a half hour or so. Drill it add a bolt and washer done.