When is it okay to up wire spacing?

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Active member
Apr 3, 2012
We got my first chin when she was full grown, so it was never really an issue. I know young chins can squeeze through bar spacing if it is too large. Just wondering at what point 1 inch spacing is acceptable instead of 1/2 inch? I know I can get mesh to cover the bars, but would like to know if there are guidelines y'all generally follow. Thanks!
When they little one can't squeeze out, then its safe. Lame answer I know, but they all grow at different rates and they are all different sizes so you just have to go based on the individual.

Most 2-3 month old chinchillas will not be able to squeeze their head through a 1" space, though some bars can flex a bit and a determined little one might try and possibly succeed or get stuck.
yeah, I figured there is no exact science to it, but knowing about what age is best. I am sure we will be fine when we get her, will just watch for any escape antics. I guess I am paranoid from my escape artist hedgie! lol
All I know is my full grown, normal sized 3 year old boys can and will escape from a 1-1/2 bar space. I don't know how they do it.