when i hold my chin he does somethung strange?

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Dec 17, 2011
My 4 month old chin I was holding him and he never did this before but it was almost like he was vibrating he would do it for like 5 seconds then stop and do it again? Is that normal what does it mean? Thanks for the help!!
My chin used to do that, too. Initially I thought she was scared, but it was out of the blue also. I would even put her back in her cage and laid my hands flat so she could jump away and she's stay on my palms and shake. It started happening after she got clawed by a cat and I figure it was actually just her being scared and freezing. She doesn't do it anymore but it took a good while for her to completely stop doing it.

Just try to go slow and maybe hold him a little less and just play with him in his cage.
I cant say for sure, but my one grown up guy that i took in is deathly afraid of being picked up. And if you do, he will usaly shake and vibrate like crazy. How ever i would imagin with a younger chin you can still get him used to it.
He's probably afraid of something. Just handle him slowly and carefully and talk quietly in a soothing voice to him.
Jasper will do that. Sometimes he'll do it during playtime. He'll stop running and just freeze, staring at something. It may sound weird but I start to sing to him and he snaps out of it.
My Micah does the same thing. I thought at first maybe there was a problem but now know she is just very timid and zones out sometimes.
How long have you had your chinchilla? You say he's never done this before but how long have you had him? Chinchillas are "prey" animals they are born to fear most everything bigger than they are as they are often caught and eaten. His shaking like this is out of fear. Despite the fact you love him and don't mean him any harm he is still wary and afraid. Hopefully in time he will not do this anymore. The more time you spend with him the more comfortable he will be around you.
Tribble does this and I have had him over a year now. I don't believe he is afraid of me since he is the most friendly out of my three and loves to be held and have playtime with me. He still does the vibrating/shaking thing just about everyday. I just chalk it up to him being weird. haha.. The girls I have are friendly, but do not like to be held or even scritched, but I have never seen them do this shaking thing.. it's really odd...