when are chins friends?

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Mar 30, 2012
So I've had my boys for a week now in the same cage, but with a divider in the middle and every day or two I flip their sides, as per suggested by the rancher. What signs should I be looking for and how long generally should I wait before I experiment (under supervision of course) taking the divider out temporarily or permanently?

Extra info about them... My chins couldn't be more different if they tried. If they were human one would be given ADHD meds, the other anxiety medications. Zeke my shy guy is starting to chill out a bit, but still runs from my hand at the open cage door if I move at all. Pascal will climb out into my hand as long as it leads to freedom... I don't take Zeke out of the cage for playtime yet, because the first time I think I tried too soon and he went off his feed for a day to recover (he cried most of the time he was out :( )

thanks guys!
It is way, way too soon to intro them, there should have been a 30 day quarintine for health and stress reasons. Let them get used to their new home and people for a month or two, in the meantime read up on sucessful intros and update this post for more help and ideas. Welcome to CnH
having the anxious chin on the bottom half of the cage may also make him more anxious, as he cannot see what is causing noise/commotion above him. also, when you are approaching the cage you are looming over him - in his mind a big bad predator is above him, which contributes to his nervousness.

introducing two chins should happen with cages side by side, as that allows them to see each other. having cages at eye level (on a desk/stand, etc) will help a lot.

i would make it so your chins are in separate cages across the room from each other, due to the anxiousness of Zeke - he needs more time to get used to everything around him without feeling threatened by you or another chin 'in his space'.

allow Zeke's temperament to guide you in how long until you move the cages closer to each other. during this evaluation phase, spend lots of time just sitting quietly by Zeke's cage, talking to him, reading him books, and just being there. this will calm him down the best, just your presence. after he has calmed, then you are ready to start laying your hand in his cage and let him investigate you.

my last suggestion is to read through the new chin owners section on here for more tips on how to get your chins used to you, and how to intro chins. http://chins-n-hedgies.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=16

edit: i took 6 months to intro my boys, and i am very glad i took the long route. they are very bonded now and the process was stress free for them and me.
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So I'm not sure if it's the same as introducing complete stranger adult chinchillas than two young chinchillas from the same herd or at least the shoots rancher didn't say I needed to start further apart. (although I do understand that ranch chinchillas are in individual cages with little socialization with each other or humans) He suggested the same cage with a divider that they could sniff and touch through and to switch their sides every day(it isn't split top bottom it's side to side.. it's a pretty large cage). So far I haven't seen any signs of hostility or problems between the two when they do interact through the divider and they often sit butt to butt on a perch that goes across the cage and divider.
I understand bonding with me can take some time and I'm not really worried about that, but I do think Pascal makes Zeke feel more secure because when Pascal comes to see me at the cage door Zeke will come up after him. But, if the recommended time period is 6 months then I have no problem leaving the divider in and just continuing as we have been thus far, however if it's not a suggest time but a notice of behavior then I'd like to be on the look out for those signs as well.

I'm in no hurry, just would like to do things that make the chins happy!
i didn't say that 6 months is the 'recommended time period', that's just the amount of time i took to intro my chins. all intro scenarios are different, and let your chins tell you what the timeline should be.

most dividable cages are top/bottom and not side/side, so my apologies for assuming your cage split top/bottom.
If they came from the same breeder, at the same time, quarantine is not necessary. With them being young, they will probably be easier to intro and it shouldn't take a long time. If they are sitting close to each other without fighting or biting, I would go ahead and try short periods of time together. Closely supervise them when you do and increase the time gradually over the next few weeks as long as they are not fighting. If they begin to fight, back off a step and take things slower.