Wheel or Flying Saucer?

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Feb 17, 2011
North England

Which is better - wheel or flying saucer?



First time I've seen what a flying saucer actually does!! I'd get the bigger one of course!

The wheel has no "grips" like the plastic one I have for my hamster has, is this ok? I've found it very difficult to find a wheel without holes / gaps in it (I'm assuming that, like hamsters, chinnies could get their feet caught.) If I go for the wheel, which size do I need? It says the 12 is suitable for chinnies, I don't think that my chinnies are particuarly large!

Can only really fit one in their cage, so have to choose! All advice very gratefully received, please stop me from making a huge purchasing error if these products are no good!

Many thanks from Madeleine and Sophie and Rachel
I heard somewhere that some chins never learn how to use the flying saucer works so that's why I opted for the wheel. I think the recommended diameter is at least 15". The wheel doesn't need any "grips" my chinnie runs like crazy on her smooth wheel and is loving every second of it! She doesn't seem to have trouble getting any traction lol good luck in your decision!
FlyingSaucer!!!!!!!!!!!! Of all my chins only one won't use a saucer and she wont use a wheel either. The only drawback to the saucer is that the rotation of the dish tends to send chinnie poo's into orbit. More than once have I been poo bombed.

Some chins may take a while to get up the courage to check it out and get the hang of it. My newest little kit dean figured it out the first day after watching the older chins acrossed the room.
Do you have any suggestions of where to buy the flying sauscer in Ireland or UK?
I have the flying saucer in both of my cages. Zipper picked it up in about a day and the babies picked it up in about 3 hours. They all love it!! I do too. So quiet :D
Chins will use either, its more personal preference. (yours and thiers)

Wheel takes up more wall space, saucer takes up more floor space.
Hello! Found this one in Germany -is 30cm diameter big enough? It's slightly smaller than the bigger Shelfridges one (but bigger than the smaller Shelfridges one!)


Scroll down to the bottom to see a clip of a chinnie using it!

It is a good bit cheaper than the Shelfridges one, but that is only any good if the German "Running Plate" is actually suitable!

Many thanks!
Wow those are cool looking. I'd go for the XXL one. It says dust-proof bearings, and the hammered surface looks nice. Price includes shipping too! I'd be interested in seeing how well it handled too, good find!

ok, maybe the translate is a bit iffy on whether it includes shipping or if it's in addition...
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Thanks for reply, Amy! Have e-mailled them to check that they do ship internationally, and how much shipping would be! My chinnies have so much energy, they need something to use it up on!
They post to England! But they don't have the XXL one, cos they cannot get one of the parts but they 34cm one should be fine, won't it?
The reviewer for the medium one says something like: "Although the disc actually offers a completely sufficient diameter for larger chinchillas, the weight could bring a Chins the plate may tip over. A counterweight on the back or one or two screws through the base to prevent it." So maybe it depends on what size chinchillas you have?