what's "normal" for a 3-month old?

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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2011
Downers Grove/Aurora, IL
it may be a ridiculous question, because i've gathered just in a couple of weeks on the forum that every chin is different (some like being petted, some don't, etc.), but i don't know what to expect from Jonesy and when to worry.
her first day home she played nonstop and came to the door of her cage, took hay from my husband, had some kind of crazed dance party at sunset, tried out every toy and shelf...
the last two days, though, she's more interested in hiding out. she stayed under her shelf sunday, so i moved her hidey house down almost to the bottom so she could climb in instead of jumping. she watched some tv, and after i fell asleep went into the hidey house, put the pillow up as a door and barricaded herself in, which was hilarious and pretty smart, i thought.
we left her like that and didn't bug her, but i just got home tonight and woke my husband up because she was still in there. he said he hadn't seen her come out all evening.
of course, i assumed she was dead, so i got her up, just to make sure she was okay, then i put her right back and replaced her pillow-door.
further examination of her cage confirmed that there was enough poop (it looks normal) that she'd eaten enough. she doesn't drink much at all, though--is the 1-2 oz./day estimate for a grown chin? (she must have drank something, though, because she has peed.)
it's 68 degrees inside, and the humidity is around 40something. everything she has (fleece, toys, bottled water, sticks, etc.) is chin-safe.
do i need to worry that she isn't up playing more, or is it possible that she was just really hyper her first day home because of all the excitement? how much should she be sleeping at her age? i assumed she'd get up and run around, then fall asleep, wake up, eat, play, sleep, repeat.
and should i totally leave her alone while she's in her hidey-house, or should i still sit by the cage and talk to her some?
lots of changes for your little Jonesy the past couple days, so i wouldn't be too worried if she's hiding out a bit now. the bouncing around before was most likely her checking everything out because it was all brand new to her, and she had a lot of nervous energy. give her time, she'll come out of her shell, er, house. lol.

i sat by Guss's cage last night and this evening when he's been in his house/box, and just talked to him (my chin 'baby voice' is ridiculous, hahaha!), unless i noticed he was trying to snooze, then i left him be.
thanks! i was hoping you or another of the experienced parents would say that, and not that i have a bipolar rodent!
i haven't been talking baby-talk to her, but i do have a REALLY stupid lullaby-type song with ever-changing lyrics except for "i love Jonesy, i love Jonesy, she's my baby girl," being the chorus. i hope she wasn't expecting even approximate rhyming from me.
That sounds about normal. When I got my most recent chin, she'd spend most of the time in her hidey house while I was in the room. She would eat and drink after I'd leave, but warmed up to me after about 2 weeks. Every chin is different, just have to give her time.
danilinn, no lullaby can be worse than my 'hi Rhino, my silly billy bratty boy, hows my fuzzy baby today?' in a sing song baby voice, :rofl:

and i wonder why he pees on his fleece........ lol!
could be worse--Jones waited until i was holding her on my lap yesterday while my husband was vacuuming her poop out of the cage. she saturated my $120 JCrew jeans, the little brat! (but i thought it was good thinking as far as a way to keep her cage clean.)
I would give her a little bit to settle in. It's not uncommon for chins to act normal the first day they're in a new home... and then it's like all the changes catch up with them. I get in a lot of rescues that don't eat/drink much the first few days... and the pattern repeats itself when they're adopted out - then I get phone calls from their new homes saying they're not coming out or they're not eating/drinking... within a few days, they've settled in, and they're back to eating/drinking, being normal.

Also, your Jonesy is young, so her personality is still going to be developing. At that age, they do love to play and bounce around, but they also will have their quiet relaxed moments.

As others have said, keep talking/singing to her, even just being around her. With the rescues here, I'm constantly down with the chins, so even when I'm not personally interacting with the new rescues, they can see and hear me... and I think it helps.

Good luck! I'm sure things will turn out fine. :)
thanks, greychins. i was hoping that was all it is, and not that she changed her mind about thinking i'm ok. (she doesn't fuss or give me a paw-shove or anything if i pet her while she's sleeping, which i do every few hours to make sure she's still a warm body in the hidey-house, so i'm taking that as a sign that she's not scared of me.)
as long as it's okay for her to be sleeping so much, i'll just keep coming up with dumb songs (at least the latest "Jonesy" song is to the tune of Springsteen's "Rosalita"--a vast improvement over the last one.
Its normal, she realized she is not on vacation anymore and her life has changed permanently, some chins are more drama queen like than others but she is just being a newbie chin.
could be worse--Jones waited until i was holding her on my lap yesterday while my husband was vacuuming her poop out of the cage. she saturated my $120 JCrew jeans, the little brat! (but i thought it was good thinking as far as a way to keep her cage clean.)

i will never understand why anyone would pay that much for a pair of jeans. :crazy:
I just wanted to add that chin babies, like human kids change all the time. one day they're happy and the next they're sleepy and cranky. They're growing and changing and eveyday (or even hour) brings a whole new reality. just wait for puberty to hit -lol but after that they get a bit more predicatble