What's a good comb for cleaning dirty fur?

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Aug 4, 2010
Brighton, MA
I have a disabled chin who frequently falls to his side when he runs, and despite cleaning his cage daily, he has very gross fur from falling or sitting in his urine. I comb it as much as I can but only own a plastic comb and a cat comb, which I'm afraid hurts him. His fur is also stained, if anyone has suggestions for that, but I'm more concerned about the condition of his fur because I can tell it bothers him he can't keep himself clean. Do I need to get one of the expensive combs that are sold for show chins? He dusts regularly but it doesn't help at all.

Edit: sorry I put this in the wrong section! I meant to put it in health and hygiene
Clean unscented Baby wipes will clean off most surface stains.

For your little disabled guy, have you tried giving him fleece liners for his cage? with a small bowl of shavings? That may cut down on the accumulation of pee between cleanings.
Olallie- I have tried baby wipes and so far are definitely the best I've tried, but he just has so many stains. He falls over constantly in his cage so shavings end up covering him and make more of a mess. A while ago he was on fleece but I don't have a washing machine so I stopped using them...maybe I should try that again though and hand wash. Thanks for the suggestion.
I'm sorry you're in a pickle! You could try to pick up a show comb.

When my girl went through some stuff she couldn't wash her bottom, right under the tail. Poor thing, she sat in her pee!

I had to wash her every other day with a clean wash cloth and warm water let her dry up and then give her a little bit of dust, then every other day wipe her with a baby wipe. I would comb out the knots away from her privy parts, she's not a squirmy girl so it was okay, but i dont recommend combing near the soft parts if the chin is squirmy.