what type of wood is it?

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Mia Bella Vita
Aug 25, 2009
I was shopping for chew toys and decided to try something different for the sake of variety. I bought the super pet brand "Bark Bites" as part of their "Ka-bob" series of chew toys. I took them out to give to everyone and noticed that they had the strongest wood scent out of any toy I've ever bought. They claim to be for chinchillas and to have no artificial flavoring. Although, I know better then to trust the pet store's idea of safe chinchilla products. I went to the super pet website for more info, but can't seem to find what type of wood they are made of. Has anyone used these products before? How can you tell if something is cedar? Thanks!
I'd just stay away from them. They're expensive for what you get. I know that there are plenty of people here that could send you parts to refill your kabobs. Maybe even possibly make your own toys? You can buy a lot of wood at Home Depot to cut and drill for refills.

I've often wondered about that wood, too. I end up with a lot of it with rescues for some reason. Mostly I re-gift it to other customers...ahem, Brittney...
Thanks for the suggestions. What type of wood have you gotten from home depot? I've read several threads that discuss boiling and baking wood, how do I know that it's been cleaned properly or how do I clean it myself?
You can buy the pine or fir or other kiln dried woods there. Check the labels for KD HT...that's what you want. Stay away from redwood or cedar. You wouldn't need to boil and bake the lumber from Home Depot. You would want to do that for any of the raw wood you would get from apple trees or pecan trees or other chin safe wood trees.
Hey, I used the bark bites you gave me on the boys and they are fine. But now I just go buy an 89c piece of pine at Home Depot and cut it up and just give it to them.