What to include when chins are adopted?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
Mira's two boys will be going to their new home within the next couple of weeks. I was just wondering what everyone included when chins were adopted? I was including food and hay of course, but I have some toys I know the boys would love. I purchased them for my other chins. But they are not toys the kits have had in their cage. The toys were pricey however, and my other chins love them. I'm asking an $80 adoption fee for the kits together. I was also wondering about fleece. I know their new owner purchased some, but should I include a piece that smells like my house for them? Is there anything that I am forgetting?
I got all mine from a breeder. In pairs.

Each pair came with probably 5lbs of food and 5lbs of dust (I think I skipped on the dust with the second pair as I didn't need any, took the food though as she was using a different food)

Small bag of 'treats' (Oats....lol)

Both pairs came with a small cage (I wouldn't really expect this, but my breeder was nearly 3 hours away from where I lived, and her daughter worked at a pet store so she always had extra cages) Second cage/pair came with a hidey house, granite tiles, toys, etc....I was moving out of state the weekend after I got them so she wanted to really have me set for that short period.

Really though, I'd probably just go with food/dust/few chew sticks or toy information booklet.. since under 6mo I'd skip the treats.
I usually adopt out cats, but the same premise would apply. Food, hay, sticks, and if there is a favorite toy or cuddle buddy they like I always send that. If the new owner doesn't have a fleece tube I would send that rather than the toys your chins like. At least they can hide in that while they get used to someone else.
I send the chins with some sticks, treats, their hammock they used and if they don't have a tube at the new home I will send them with one. As well with the contract I send an info sheet on the chin and a sheet on bonding with your chin that a friend of mine did up.
This is our adoption "care package".


If you would like the information in our care binder, I would be more than happy to email it to you.
Essentia, that would be wonderful if you could! I've kind of figured out what I'm sending. At least five pounds of food ( I just bought a 25 pound bag!) , a pound or two of hay, a PVC tube. It won't be covered though, I only have one of those for their mother, and my other boys. I have an extra perch and some hammocks I used to use for my other boys. I have actually been in contact with their future home for a few weeks. Their new owners met them when they were five weeks and fell in love. They have them named already :)