What to do with a preg. Guineapig

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I just read this message on LYS LejeuneYardSales.com and I wanted to provide this person with the correct information:

"We Have A Pregnant Female Guinea Pig. We're Not Sure How Far Along She Is, But We Do Know She's Pregnant. At Least Twice A Day, We Feed Her A Few Pieces Of Broccoli, Several Pieces Of Watermelon, A Few Pieces Of HoneyDew ((The Male Only Eats Carrots, So Sometimes She'll Eat A Few Bites Of That. Then Of Course, The Food In Their Bowl In Their Cage, And The Timothy Hay)). She Eats Everything, Both Times A Day. Is This Enough To Be Feeding Her? Or Should I Feed Her More, Since She's Eating Everything?
Thanks! "

any help would be AWESOME!
Send her to guinealynx.com (I think that's the right website) and tell her to have a vet on hand as cavies' pelvic bones can fuse and create birthing problems. UGH at people who breed without researching.

ETA: Whoops, it's http://www.guinealynx.info/
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Send her to guinealynx.com (I think that's the right website) and tell her to have a vet on hand as cavies' pelvic bones can fuse and create birthing problems. UGH at people who breed without researching.

I know.. I know. I feel the same way. I have 1 female chin I just got in, who is pregnant and I've been doing the best that I can to research everything there is to know in the mean time. I'm a Marine so I've given her to a civilan friend (stay at home mom) who can tend to her better (than I could) and her kits when they are born.

thank you for the fast reply!!
I don't know anything about breeding piggies, but I would probably suggest removing the male from the cage and to cut back on the watermelon and honey dew. Also, make sure she has a nesting box.
She needs a quality pellet, hay, fresh water and fresh veggies that are high in vitamin C daily. Guinealynx is an excellent resource.

That male needs to be removed as it will result in a breedback.
No broccoli or any gassy foods, I seem to remember being told they can't pass gas and get bloat. And they aren't supposed to breed over 1 year old because of the pelvis fusing. Hope everything works out OK. Our Guinea gave us 2 litters, one was a litter of 6! They are so cute. Oh and they need vitamen D and if she won't eat carrots she needs to get it from something.