What supplies do i need to make chin toys for my chin

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Hey i want to my my chin some chews, so i was wondering, what string/wire and size do i need, and what kind of chews, like popsicle sticks and stuff like that
You shouldn't use string, but sisal rope (not the oiled king)
Wire, I'm not sure what you mean? To hang it I'm guessing?

I just got a really cute chew from the pet store today, its a carrot made of sisal rope. They're expensive from the petsore, and some of them are bad for your chinchilla, but you can make your own if you can't find any at the store or online.

Check the safe woods list in the FAQ and so on, I'm sure people will post some good information for you.
A lot of people on here sell chin making toys and stuff, just take a look around in the classifieds and the bottom of people signatures!
I sell wood! When making a toy plan on replacing it or refilling it, you'll need to.

Popsicle sticks are not so good, they splinter easily and people have had their chins get a piece stuck in their mouths. Not something I'd go with.
how about a wire in the center, i bought some toys and they were hung up by a wire. and then you fix the bottom so the toys can't come off.

Good luck
how about a wire in the center, i bought some toys and they were hung up by a wire. and then you fix the bottom so the toys can't come off.

Good luck

A lot of people use wire also when making toys--it's re-usable as well.
My favorite hardware to use is 1.6mm chain, pear links for hanging (the 1 3/8 inch ones fit on the 1.6mm chain) and keychain rings for the bottom to stop the pieces from falling off. I also usually add a bell because I think my girls enjoy them :)). I got most of my hardware from windycityparrottoys.com but I did not see the chain or pear links on their site when I checked recently but all is available on eBay. Most of my toy parts come from petproductsbynature.com. They also sell hardware all set up for refilling and toys to boot :)).